Example 1  Example 2  Example 3  Example 4  Example 5

HTML Graphic Commands are included in the HTML file using the <GRAPHIC>...</GRAPHIC> tags
Each command begins with the Name of the Graphic (i.e. "ARC")  followed by a comma and a list of comma separated value terminated by a semicolon ";".  A graphic command can span any number of lines. Both 2D and 3D graphics use the same format by adding or subtracting the z component from the coordinate system( 2D coordinate = 100:200, 3D coordinate = 100:200:50)

Each graphic element contains a style value of:

  • LineColor=  name, #Hex, 0.1 to 0.99 gray scale
  • FillColor= name, #Hex, 0.1 to 0.99 gray scale
  • LineWeight= 0 to 99
  • LineStyle=  Solid, Dot, Dash, Dot-Dash or PDF pattern
  • Opacity=line[,fill]  0.00 to 1.00 , 1 value for both, 0 = invisible, 1 = solid
  • FontColor= name, #Hex, 0.1 to 0.99 gray scale
  • FontSize=size "px" or "pt"
  • FontName= Times | Arial | Courier

<GRAPHIC>...</GRAPHIC> Create an Image from set of graphic commands
Property Description
ID=name Element Identifier
Style="..." Style
Class=class-name Class Name
Height=pixels Height of graphic (pixels)
Width=pixels Width of graphic (pixels)
Clip=Yes | No If true, Clip all Graphics to Graphic Box, default=no
Range="xmin:ymin:zmin,xmax:ymax:zmax" Mapping Coordinate Range, default=xmin:ymin:zmin,xmax:ymax:zmax
Border=n Border Width
BgColor=color Background Color
3D="look-at,look-from,rotations" Projected 3D View, Look At x:y:z , Look From x:y:z, 3D rotation of graphics (default = "0:0:0"), both 2D and 3D graphic elements can be viewed as projected 3D images

Graphic Commands:

ARC (example ARC,,10:10,100,0,45;)

Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,Opacity
Center Arc Center X:Y:Z
Radius Arc Radius
Start Arc Start Angle 0 to 360 degrees
Sweep Arc Sweep Angle -360 to 360 degrees
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

ARCDIMENSION (example ArcDimension,,50,60,40,0,60,,10,Hello,Black,12,;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,FontName,FontSize,FontColor,Opacity
Center Arc Center X:Y:Z
Radius Arc Radius
Start Arc Start Angle 0 to 360 degrees
Sweep Angle(s) Arc Sweep Angles-360 to 360 degrees
Length (s) Arc Lengths (IF Sweep is Empty)
Offset Offset of Dimension from Arc
Label Dimension Label
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)
(example Calendar,Black,1,solid,2013,Feb,0:0,200:200;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,FontName,FontSize,FontColor,Opacity
Year Year
Month Month
Lower-Left Lower Left X:Y:Z coordinate
Width:Height:Depth Calendar Width:Height:Depth
reference-months true / false, add reference previous and next month in header
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example CONE,Red,3,,,10:10,100:0,45;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,Opacity
Center Arc Center X:Y:Z
Radius Arc Radius
Start Arc Start Angle 0 to 360 degrees
Sweep Arc Sweep Angle -360 to 360 degrees
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example CIRCLE,Red,3,,,10:10,100;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,Opacity
Center Circle Center X:Y:Z
Radius Circle Radius
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example: Line,Black,1,solid,,0:0,100:100,200:0;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,Opacity
X1:Y1 First Point
X2:Y2 Second Point
Xn:Yn Last point of Line

POLYGON (example: Polygon,Black,1,solid,,0:0,100:100,200:0;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,Opacity
X1:Y1:Z1 First Point
X2:Y2:Z2 Second Point
Xn:Yn:Zn Last point of Line

GRAPH (example: Graph,Black,1,solid,,0:0,50:80,Black,12,,0,100,10,4,Black,1,solid,0,true,0,100,10,4,Black,1,solid,0,true;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,FontName,FontSize,FontColor,Opacity
lower-left Lower Left X:Y:Z Coordinate
Width:Height:Depth Width, Height and Depth of Graph
X Minimum Minimum Label Value of the X Axis
X Maximum Maximum Label Value of the X Axis
X Division Number of X Axis Major Divisions
Tic Marks Number of Tic Marks Between Divisions
Line Color Line Color of of X Axis
Line Weight Line Weight of X Axis
Line Style Line Style of X Axis
Label Precision Number of Decimal Points of the X Axis Labels
Label X Label X Axis (true or False
Y Minimum Minimum Label Value of the Y Axis
Y Maximum Maximum Label Value of the Y Axis
Y Division Number of Y Axis Major Divisions
Tic Marks Number of Tic Marks Between Divisions
Line Color Line Color of of Y Axis
Line Weight Line Weight of Y Axis
Line Style Line Style of Y Axis
Label Precision Number of Decimal Points of the Y Axis Labels
Label Y Label Y Axis (true or False
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example: Image 10:20,50:80,a_drill.jpg,0; )
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,Opacity
Lower-left Lower Left of Image
Width:Height:Depth Width, Height and Depth of Image (pixel)
Image Name of Image or URL
Border Border Size 0 to 99
Angle Angle in degrees
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0"

(example: Grid Black,1,solid,,10:20:50,80,4,6;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,Opacity
Lower-Left Lower Left of Grid X:Y:Z
Width:Height:Depth Width / Height and Depth of Grid
Rows Number of Rows
Columns Number of Columns
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example: Text 0:0,0,Hello World,,12,Black,;)
Property Description
style=... FontName,FontSize,Color,Opacity
Point Insertion Point X:Y:Z
Angle Angle 0-360 of text
Text Text
URL Hyperlink
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example: Textbox Black,1,solid,,0:0,50:80,rounded,0:0,left,middle,Hello World,12,Black,;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,FontName,FontSize,FontColor,Opacity
Lower-left-Point Lower left X:Y:Z coordinate
Width:Height:Depth Height of Graph
Shape Shape of Textbox square | rounded
Drop-Point Drop X:Y:Z
Align Alignment Left | Center | Right
VAlign Vertical Alignment TOP | MIDDLE | BOTTOM
Text Text
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

SYMBOL (example: Symbol 20:20,10,0,Z154;)
Property Description
style=... FontName,FontSize,Color,Opacity
Center X:Y:Z X Center Point of Symbol
Size Size in Points
Angle Angle of  Symbol
Symbol Symbol Character Z134
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example: Dimension,0:0,100:100,10,0,10.5,;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,FontName,FontSize,FontColor,Opacity
X1:Y1:Z1 Point 1 of dimension
X2:Y2:Z2 Point 2 of dimension
Offset Dimension Offset
Angle Angle of Label
Label Dimension Label
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example: Rectangle,,0:0,50:80;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,Opacity
X:Y:Z Lower Left Coordinate
Width:Height:Depth Weight Height and Depth of Rectangle
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example: NumberLine,,0:0,50:80,0,10:10,0,100,10,4,Black,1,solid,0,true;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,FontName,FontSize,FontColor,Opacity
X:Y:Z Lower Left of Number line
Width:Height:Depth Width and Height Depth of Graph
Angle Angle in Degrees (0 - 360)
Marker Points Set of Point Along Number line x1:label,x2:label...
Minimum Minimum Number Line Value
Maximum Maximum Number Line Value
Divisions Number of Major Divisions
Tic Marks Number of Tic Mark Between Divisions
Label Precision Number of Decimal Points on Label
Labels true | false
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

(example Protractor,,50:50,50,0,180,18,9,10 30,Black,1,solid,Black,true;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,FontColor,Fontsize,fontname,Opacity
Center Arc Center X:Y:Z
Radius Arc Radius
Start Angle Arc Start Angle 0 to 360 degrees
Sweep Angle Arc Sweep Angle -360 to 360 degrees
Divisions Number of Major Divisions On Protractor (default=18)
Tic Mark Tic Marks between Divisions (Default=9)
Marked Angles A List of Angle to Mark on Protractor
Marked Line Color Line Color, Name or  #HexColor
Marked Line Weight 1 to 100
Marked Line Style Solid, Dot, Dash, or pdf pattern
Labeled Label Marked Angles True | False
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)

example: Pie 50:50,50,0,Black,1,,10:red;)
Property Description
style=... LineColor,FillColor,Weight,LineStyle,FontName,FontSize,FontColor,Opacity
Center Pie Center X:Y;Z
Radius Pie Radius
Start Angle Start Angle 0 to 360 degrees
Label Radius Radius to Place Labels
3D-Rotation Arc 3D Plane Xr:Yr:Zr rotation about center def="0:0:0" (-360 to 360)
Segment(s) List of Pie Segments Sweep:Color:Label,...