Property | Description |
ID=NAME | Tag identifier |
VALUE=... | Value of the assign tag |
SQL=statement | SQL statement |
<IF>html-statements</IF> Macro, conditional include HTML Statements
Property | Description |
Value=... | Value to Compare |
Contains=match | Include if Value Contains match |
EQ=match | Equal=match | Include if Value equals match |
LT=match | LessThan=match | Include if Value less than match |
GT=match | GreaterThan=match | Include if Value greater than match |
LE=match | Include if Value is less than or equal to match |
GE=match | Include if Value is greater than or equal to match |
Not | Negate Condition |
Blank | Include if Value is Blank |
Zero | Include if Value is Blank |
Property | Description |
ID=NAME | Tag identifier |
LIST="v1,v2,..." | List of Values (1 loop per value) |
SQL=statement | SQL statement (1 loop per record) |
Count=n | Repeat Loop N times |
Min=n | Minimum Loop Value |
Maximum=n | Maximum Loop Value |
Increment=n | Increment Loop Value |
Property | Description |
ID=NAME | Tag identifier |
LIST="v1,v2,..." | List of Values |
SQL=statement | SQL statement |
Min=value | Minimum Value |
Max=value | Maximum Value |
Unique=true | false | Requires each returned values to be unique |
Exclude="v1,v2,.." | Exclude these values from being returned |
Property | Description |
ID=NAME | Tag Identifier |
Value=... | Value to Store |
Reverse="True | False" | If true: Reverse output order to First In Last Out, Default = First In First Out |
Property | Description |
ID=NAME | Tag identifier |
LIST="v1,v2,..." | List of Values (1 group per value) |
SQL=statement | SQL statement (1 group per record) |
Count=n | Repeat Group N times |
Columns=n | Create Multiple Columns (1 to 30) |
ColumnOrder=true |
Output Groups in Column Order Default = false, row order |
HTML Reference | Replace With |
{ID} |
<ASSIGN id=name> value Next <RANDOM id-=name> value Next <STORE id=name> <LOOP> <GROUP> <ASSIGN> Value |
{ID.Last} |
Last Value Referenced
{ID.Count} |
Counter (1..n) <RANDOM> <GROUP> {LOOP}, or <STORE> |
{ID.Index} |
Index (0..n-1) <RANDOM> <GROUP> <LOOP>, or <STORE> |
{} |
Total Values <GROUP> |
{ID.Radian} |
Return converted Degrees to Radians <STORE> <ASSIGN> <GROUP> <LOOP> |
{ID.Rewind} |
Rewind List <STORE> |
{ID.field-name} |
Field Value of SQL
statement <ASSIGN>, <RANDOM> or <GROUP> |
{ID,join} |
Join Values of a LIST separated by commas <ASSIGN> <STORE> |
{Page} | PDF Current Page Number |
{PageTotal} | PDF total Pages, valid only in <PageHeader> and <PageFooter> tags |
{Date} | Current Date |
{Time} | Current Time |
{DateTime} | Current Date and Time |
{PI} | Value of PI "3.1415926..." |
{function(arg-list)} |
Perform Function: EVAL, TAN, SIN, COS, ATAN, SQRT, PI, MIN, MAX, ABS, CEIL, FLOOR, ROUND, POW, LOG, RANDOM, ACOS, ASIN, ESCAPE, UNESCAPE, MOD Note: Random() return 0 to 1 Random(max) return 1 to max-value Random(min,max) return min value to max value |