<PDF> Set PDF output properties
Property | Description |
Author=... | PDF Document Author |
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Page Layout when document opens (odd/even) SinglePage, TwoColumnLeft,TwoColumnRight,TwoPageLeft,TwoPageRight |
Rotate=0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | Rotate Current Page the angle specified |
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3D Lighting Scheme (default=DAY) cad, white, red, blue, green, cube, primary, headlamp, hard, day |
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3D Render Mode (default=Solid) Solid, SolidWireframe, Transparent, TransparentWireframe, BoundingBox,TransparentBoundingBox, TransparentBoundingBoxOutline, Wireframe, ShadedWireframe, HiddenWireframe, Vertices, ShadedVertices, Illustration, SolidOutline, ShadedIllustration |
3D-Background-Color=color | 3D Background Color, (Default=white) |
3D-View="name" | 3D Value Name (Default = "view_0") |
3D-Camera-Distance-Z=n | 3D Camera Z Distance (Default = 3600) |
3D-Name="name" | 3D Name (Default = "PDF3D Scene") |
Subject=... | PDF Document Subject |
Title=... | PDF Document Title |
Watermark=... | PDF Watermark |
onDocumentOpen=... |
JavaScript to execute onDocumentOpen examples: "Zoom=100;" or "app.alert('Hello World');" |
onWillClose=... | JavaScript to execute before closing document |
onWillSave=... | JavaScript, Before Saving Document |
onDidSave=... | JavaScript, After Saving Document |
onWillPrint=... | JavaScript, Before Printing Document |
OnDidPrint=... | JavaScript, After Printing Document |