Getting Started
ICMap creates multi-leveled images which may be viewed on a web site as a continuous map. Each level can be unique in its content, with full user control over the display characteristics. Hyperlinks may be added to Lines, Polygons, Text and Symbols. ICMap will create your Html pages with the basic components and javascripts so you will have your functioning GIS Web site in just a few minutes.

Level 0
Complete Coverage Area
1 Image

Level 1
Tiled 10 x 10
100 Images

Level 2
Tiled 2 x 2 from each parent tile
400 images

Up to 20 tile levels may be defined, with each level being more detailed. (warning: 10 levels 2 by 2 = 1,398,100 images, may take a few hours to create). You define how many levels, how each level is tiled, and what graphic features are displayed at each level.

Once the images are created you may view them by clicking on the view button on the left panel of the Database of Images Tab. The images are also immediately available for viewing on any web page that you create.

All tiled images are the same size: Example 300 by 300 tile size, then the total resolution is:

Level 0 = 300 by 300 pixels
Level 1 = 3000 by 3000 pixels
Level 2 = 6000 by 6000 pixels

The images are placed into separate files simply to speed up the process of returning a selected view.

ICMap will accept some common vector formats to create the tiled images, then using the supplied Server Side Image Server (ICMapIS.cgi) you may request, from your html page, a view to be centered at a given x,y coordinate at a given level. The Image server will merge the required tiles into a single image, place a marker at a point of interest (if requested), overlay multiple images together and then return your request as a simple image. The returned image can be any size from 8 to 2000 pixels on a side.

The tiled maps created may also be viewed by other map servers such as Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, or Map Quest.