Jane Compiler Extensions (773)

Take ANY compiler and remove ALL functions, what is left is the compiler...  My objective is to remove the need for functions.  When functions are no longer required then, and only then, will we have a complete compiler. Or to put it another way, we will have a language we can use to communicate with the computer to perform actions. Functions require documentation, the primary objective of "Jane" is to remove the need for documentation. Documentation only provides facts not expertise or craftsmanship, I hope to put these attributes into the system.  This list of enhancements are simple syntax changes to the compiler. The real enhancement is in phrase compilations to reflect reality in our code, which is not listed here.
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Enhancements by Year: 2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015 

Moving closer to a 100% table driven compiler, single application running across all machines using natural language and multiple computer languages, in all software and hardware environments..

Enhancements (rough ideas, vocabulary and syntax may take 4 or 5 rewrites each, some repeat)  
    2022 top
  1. 06/05 Function Call return arguments can now be expressions  if (test(1,2,3) :(a[0],b[0],c[0]])), assignment is always performed
  2. 06/05 Extend multiple return arguments to be assigned to an expression   a[i],a[i+1],a[i+2] = test();
  3. 05/31 logical devices, DEFINE  logical name = ...text...      DEFINE scratch = create if it does not exist localhost(disk).%user%.A/scratch/;  DEFINE sample = scratch.sample text, A.more text;    alert(sample);
  4. 2021 top
  5. 11/28 the alert function has multiple formatted text display, copy, save, and edit capabilities (text, html, csv, binary, ...)
  6. 11/28 run-time and compiler-time natural language syntax statements extension to the compiler
  7. 11/27 relative numbers,  A = 23;   B is relative to A;  B = 1;
  8. 10/30 access by resource type   A.user = new person('clif');  B = A..resource type.person;  alert(B.name); 
  9. 10/30 parent access by resource type.  P = new Persons();  A = new person('clif');  P.add(A);   C = A..resource type.(up).Persons;
  10. 10/21 to / from tabbed ruler formatted text   ruler:(10,20,30) A = "A\tB\tC";  B = A..value;  alert(A,B);
  11. 10/21 enhance JSON to qualify Objects and Arrays,  also standardize to JavaScript syntax.   A = JSON.parse('{name:'clif'}:employee);
  12. 10/20 maybe allow function names to use @ as a convention of optimized "this" update functions
  13. 10/20 @name function / cast work on "this" value instead of returning a copy of "this",  A.@trim();  same as  A = A.trim();
  14. 10/18 change multiple assignment of a = b = 12;  to a, b = 12;
  15. 10/18 change boolean compare from == to =
  16. 10/18 change text equality logic , = as case insensitive,  == as case sensitive    A = 'clif';  B = 'CLIF';   (A = B) ( is true)  ( A == B) (is false)
  17. 8/31 multiple if conditions,  then, else,true, false, failed, handled, next ,...;    function Apple() { return handled; };   Apple() if handled { alert('condition handled'); } if successful { ...};
  18. 8/13 continue statements,   i = 0;  while (true) {  if (i == 4) break; if (i == 2) continue *; alert(i); }*  i += 1; }
  19. 8/2 Triggers, events applied to a value.   trigger function Apple.onCreate(value) { alert('apple created')};    A = new Apple();
  20. 8/2 Trigger: onCreate, onInitilize, onClear, onChange, onLock, onUnlock, onDelete, onNotFound, onSearch, onReferenced, onCompress, onExtend, onLoad, onUnload
  21. 8/1 context using an expression <{expression}>  name = "Clif Collins";   A = <{name}>.Email;
  22. 8/1 logical context operators:  and, or, grouping (  )  A = <javascript parse function or c++ parse function>.getVariable('"');
  23. 7/31 context (addressing by value) identifier <context-name> for a variable.  A = <javascript parse function>.getVariable('"');
  24. 7/18 plurals variables of arrays, objects and tables.   A = [ {name:'Clif'}, {name:john} ] ,  B = A.names;    B = ['Clif', 'John'];
  25. 7/18 cast value's known parameters always available  A = <integer>:().known.values.names;  B = <integer>:().known.values.defaults; 
  26. 7/18 compile time declaration statement:   define <Integer 16> as <integer>:(123) {bits=16, unsigned, type=counting number};  B = <Integer 16>;
  27. 7/18 compile time cast values,  A = <integer>:(123) {bits=16, unsigned, type=counting number, constant}
  28. 7/18 combined cast and qualified values (any combination)   A = integer:(234) {bits=23}
  29. 7/16 fraction datatype A = <fraction>:(1 / 2);   alert(A.numerator + " " + A.denominator);  Alert(A);
  30. 7/16 access to bind values,   A = apple.bind(this,'clif');    alert(A.name + ' ' + A.this + ' ' + A.arguments[0]);  A.arguments[0] = 'John';
  31. 7/14 datatype castValues and qualifiedValues   A = <real>:([1.2,1.2],[45.2,67.5]){rows=2, columns=2, by Row, bits=128};
  32. 7/14 tolerance compare operators  if ( A < +/- .0003  B)
  33. 7/14 structure datatype A = <structure>:(name:A32,age:I4)
  34. 7/13 table datatype
  35. 7/2 file storage organization re-designed into machine partitions, vertical partitions, horizontal partitions, and blocked at physical record boundaries
  36. 7/2 re-design the Disk Operating System from Folder / File organization to a Classified Project organization.
  37. 6/13 multi-dimensional arrays,  A[1,2]  = 23;  
  38. 6/13 Basic storage: change from a fixed block size to a variable Buffer size,  A Buffer to have a variable or fixed number of complete units, (i.e. lines of text, objects, records,...)
  39. 6/11 Parser look ahead to next state to see if the token type of keyword will be the correct choice.  function = 2;   (could be a keyword or a variable name, but determined by the equals sign)
  40. 6/11 context based parsing. Parser evaluation based on the LR1 shift / reduction table. This will remove the need to reserve keywords. This syntax will be okay: function function(A) { ... }
  41. 6/10 directory based documents. Project based editor.
  42. 6/10 compound words and characters. Treat some characters as unique terminating identifiers. Treat some as overlay characters.   Apple´   A´´    à   Ā   A3
  43. 5/30 multiple programming languages FORTRAN.77 { ... } JAVASCRIPT {  ... }  C++ {... }  ASSEMBLER.IBM { ...  } , COBOL { ... }  ...
  44. 5/30 compiler's inline syntax function:  compiler function MySpecialSyntax(script) { return script.replace('times','*') }   ...    C =  MySpecialSyntax{  A times B };  compiled as C = A * B;
  45. 5/30 word based text documents. A benefit to spelling out words in programming.  "Reference", "Referee", "Refer", "Refrigerator", .... instead of "REF" (there are about 40 words that start with "REF")
  46. 5/29 100 Character Size Units = 1 Millimeter or 2,540 Character Size Units per Inch
  47. 5/29 Switch CASE for keyboard events,    switch (event.keyCode) { case keyboard.alphabet(ctrl+shift+alt): ... case keyboard.numbers: ...  } 
  48. 5/23 Re-designated character sets:  Language Characters (<nationality>), Language Words, Language Terms,  Numbers,  Punctuation Symbology, Math Symbology, Programming Symbology, Control Symbology, ...
  49. 5/22 Print document, remove the need for printer specific control languages and formats
  50. 5/18 non-essential functions,  functions that are not required to exist or to even execute without failure.
  51. 5/14 declare statement, a set of definitions of "Value Types" and "Qualified Value Types",  declare {  Whole Number = Integer:{minimum value=0}; }
  52. 5/14 variable statement, defines a value type of a variable (use the delete statement to erase),   variable A is a Whole Number;   A = 1;
  53. 4/9 system cast value "program" to create a compiled / transferable program.  program  = program:(share readonly file:('c:/temp/sample.file'););   alert(program);
  54. 4/9 program op code randomize (183 opcodes, unique to a specific user/machine) .   program. location = localhost;  program.randomize('op codes');  alert(program);
  55. 4/9 program statement order randomize. (unique to a specific user/machine)   program. location = localhost;  program.randomize('statements');  alert(program);
  56. 4/9 program encrypt all text;  program.encrypt('text');
  57. 4/8 Cast Values are permanent, can be replaced by a forced assignment.  A.height = treeHeight:[13 feet];  A.height = 15;  (forced assignment)  A.height := 'Clif';
  58. 4/7 CAST name:(value)   A  = Whole Number:(12);
  59. 4/7 CAST name:{qualifiers}  B = integer:{value=<A>, bits=(1:4,8:8)}
  60. 4/7 CAST name:[expression]  name = 'clif';  A =  empolyee:[name] 
  61. 3/27 - change template literal calling conventions. from (parts,...values) to (parts, values)
  62. 3/12 - known values, A = 1; A..parent,A..children,A..history,A..classification,A..type,A..units,A..partitions,A..structure,A..characters,A..words,A..bytes,A..template
  63. 3/12 - add most ECMAScript enhancements with added enhancements. first="Bob"; last="Smith"; alert(`~~Hello World from ${first} ${`Another template ${last}`}~~`..template);
  64. 3/10 - add tagged text (~...~)  to all types of text values,  alert("~myMessage~"Hello World"~myMessage~");   B  = `~~`A Template Literal ${name}`~~`;
  65. 3/8 - multiple child assignment, A = {}; A.(name='Clif',age=12);
  66. qualified reference, A = template:(`Hello World from ${first} ${last}`); B = A.(first='Clif',last='Collins');
  67. editor case value,  A = editor:();  B = localhost.sample math equations;  A(B);
  68. font case value,  A = font sort:([0:0,50:0,50:50,50:0], name="box");  B = C %box% D;
  69. polygon cast value compiler operators and logic  A = polygon:([0:0,100:100,200:0]);  alert(A.area);   alert('Sample Polygon',A.display);  B = A | rectangle:(0:0,200:50);
  70. editable logic, A = the logic of delete employee;  alert(A.source code);
  71. extensive color capabilities,   A = red.30% + blue.70%,  A.red as HSL,  B = A as CMYK, C = A as Hue Saturation Brightness (HSB);
  72. no-space,  All words are separated by a space, unless preceded by a no-space indicator.
  73. font generation, screen management, forms, and editor in the compiler
  74. geometric logic,   near, find, inside, fill, DDA (pixelate), intersect, rotate, transform, ...
  75. geometric opcodes:  snap, break, polygon trace, network, connectivity, ...
  76. user defined fonts as part of the editor / compiler
  77. smallest units of information moved to the "word" / "term" category   A = true;  (internally  102,34,342)
  78. Real number precision.   A..precision = 3 decimal places;
  79. Variable alias name assignment,  A or B = 123; 
  80. boolean, true, false or maybe   if (A) then alert(true) else alert(false) otherwise alert(maybe)
  81. event triggers, on change, on reference, on maybe trigger, on...
  82. propagate search along parent / child relations  A = {name:'clif'};  A.B = {age:12},   alert(A.age, B.name)
  83. loop symbolic language,   Summations ∑,  Loop
    2020 top

  85. String functions, compress, compress1,  name = "  apple     orangles  ";  A = name.compress() ;  B = name.compress1();   A = "appleoranges"   B = "apple oranges"
  86. "as" keyword as a classifier,  A = 12 Inches as Height;  box[A.%class] = A;
  87. "of" keyword to describe person, place, or thing  A = 12 boxes of #2 pencils;  B = 7 3/8 inches as height of pencils;
  88. opcode inline function,   opcode math.*([integer,real] as height of pencil, [integer,real] as radius of pencil) with units {...}     A = 7.125 inches as height of pencil; B = 0.5 inches as diameter of pencil; C = A * B;
  89. opcodes container of opcode inline functions by computer language,  opcodes  JavaScript { ... }  opcodes FORTRAN { ... }  opcodes Python { ... }  opcodes C { ... } opcodes x86 { ... }
  90. cast and qualified values in global namespace  A = height of a box of pencils;  B := width of a box of pencils;   A = run-time evaluation    B := compile-time evaluation
  91. dual mode statement execution,  standard statements (emulated) and opcode statements (direct execution)
  92. customizable compilers, encrypt to individual user, selectable compiler executable statements, and alter opcodes per application
  93. disable all compiler statements opcodes not used in an application, (security issues)
  94. opcode selection based on datatype, parentage, classification, and/or units  opcode math:+([integer,real] as height, [integer,real] as width) { ... }  A = (10 ft as width * 30 inches as height) sq feet;  A = 25 sq ft (width: 10 ft, height 2.5 ft)
  95. value to object operator "=<"  A = 30 ft as height;    Pole =< A;    alert(Pole.height);
  96. two type of opcodes,  "native" as compiler level code,  and "script" as a Jane inline function.
  97. logical or operator  if (name == "Clif" or "Collins") ...
  98. rename array length variable to nextAvailable,  add array count variable (sparse arrays required), add to array and object a  keys to return list of keys and indexes
  99. keep the knowledge that an array is sparse.    A = [], A[5] = 6;   if (A is sparse) ...
  100. conditional line and block comments  //Jane only   ..Jane code...        /*Jane only  ...Jane code... */
  101. assume a then condition   if (false) else alert(true); or maybe an if not     if not (false) alert(true);    I would use this while testing, but it would come in handy and still is readable.
  102. return arguments from a new function call   A = new person('Clif Collins')(index);
  103. complex number      x = «13 + 23i»;    x.a = 13;  x.b = 23;
  104. point coordinate N-dimensional point, a vector, or Tensors,      p = «3,45,0»;   p.x = 3,  p.y = 45, p.z = 0   T =  «p,p,p»  recursive Tensor  or Matrix
  105. cached function values. values that once set through a function call remain set for a given set of arguments.   cached function user(name) { ... }   A = user('Clif');   B = user('Clif');     A loads value,  B uses cached value;
  106. change JSON syntax to mirror JavaScript syntax.   A = '{"name":"Clif"}';   A = "{name:'clif'}";   both are valid
  107. change JSON to accept all data types   text = JSON.stringify('Clif Collins');    A = JSON.parse(text);
  108. math addition of undefined or null text is treated as an empty string
  109. formatted text or number functions .left(50), .right(20), .center(20), .currency(20), .comma(20)
  110. Jane function statement defines a function that will be run a Jane service   Jane function devices() { return global.devices() };   or at a specified URL   A = devices() at 'http://CollinsSoftware.com'; 
  111. Jane keyword, to run a function that exists on a Jane service from the client  Jane's drawSphere();
  112. Adam function statement, to run a function that exists on the main application.  Adam function showTable(table) { ... }   showTable(employees);
  113. Adam keyword, to run a function or access variables that exists on the main application from a Jane service  status = Adam's confirm('Keep Looking');
  114. Requester keyword, to run a function or access variables that exists on the calling client.  A = Requester's location;
  115. location statement   location Apple is 'http://myOrchard.com';  B = Apple's prices
  116. where, group by, sort keywords,  A = table where index < 50 sort by name;
  117. validation functions for valid URL, Email, Address, Date, Name, File, Folder, Password;   A = "http://CollinsSoftware/".url;  if (! A) throw "not a valid URL";
  118. multiple datatype values, values that can be have multiple datatypes. An integer that can also be text,  if (typeof(A) == 'string' && typeiof(A) == 'integer') where both are true
  119. differentiate the parts of a URL  [ protocol:// [Address [ Location [ [ domain [ subdomain, domain name ], : port ] ] , path, file ]  ?parameters   #bookmark ]
  120. separate objects into multiple parts, those that are the object from those that are information about the object.
  121. c++ datatypes:  int, double, float, string, char,  bool, double, void
  122. other datatypes: complex, text, date, character, word, phrase,  bits(n),  bytes(n),  integer(n bytes | bits),  whole number(n bytes | bits), imaginary, real, fraction
  123. c++ arrays:  int values[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4};
  124. c++ dynamic array  int value[*] = {1,2,3,4};   value.push(5);  value[5] = 6;  (maybe index by 1)
  125. c++ output   cout << values[0] << eoln;
  126. c++ union statement,   union A { int x, bits(32) y}
  127. c++ template statement,   template <A,B,C> { ... }   (remove the keyword class and typename keywords not needed)
  128. c++ struct statement,  struct  Car { string Name;  int: Age;  Car(){ ... };  ~Car(){ ... };  void Print() { ... } }   with constructors, destructors, and methods
  129. c++ pointers ???  struct, objects, and arrays are pointers
  130. Jane Name Server, to identify the location and information about all registered remote Jane servers. (propagated to every local Jane server nightly)
  131. Adam is the name for the location of the localhost Jane Service, propagated throughout the network, IP address resolved.  location Adam =
  132. Eve is the name of the location of the Running Application. Permits all satellite Jane services to send requests back to the main application, even when the request come from a nested service.
  133. File structure Object,  B = File Structure url{http://sample.dll};   alert(B.structureNames);   for reading and writing known file binary structures
  134. c++ datatype, structures and union.  overcome JavaScript and C++ size limitations of "string" both in count and character size, and integer size
  135. price and prices datatype,   prices += $1 for 1 or $6 for 10 of cream cheese in US dollars;   A = 34; Total Cost += price of A cream cheeses;
  136. "word problem" compiling.  A = average age of class divided by teacher's salary.
  137. unit opcodes functions, tied to opcode and units:  units_opcode math:* ([amps, ohms], [ohms, amps])  {  ...result volts..}
  138. unit conversion functions, Fahrenheit to Celsius   convert function fahrenheit_to_celsius(A)  { ... }
  139. known unit equations   amps = sqrt( power / ohms) , A = 100 Newton meter/second; B = 45 ohms;  C = amps produced by A and B;
  140. numeric name qualifiers  myList.5 = 'happy';  same as  myList[5] = 'happy';
  141. template functions, change C++ template statement, Run-Time, Based on Argument Types, "smart", template function Apple(a,b) {  <A> count, <B> total ...  }   A = Apple(1,1);  B = Apple('clif',1)
  142. rename "goto" to "continue",  simply permit the continue to go anywhere (maybe do this)
  143. user defined units,  pencils A = 10 pc;  units pencils {scale=1, type=pencils, tag=p};  units pencil boxes {scale=10,type=pencils,tag=pb}, units pencil cartons {scale=240,type=pencils,tag=pc};
  144. searchable, changeable text object, Text, Integer, Real, Date, Object, Array, system independent   A = textObject{`o Fruit `| Apple `v Red Delicious 'e};   B =  A.Fruit;   A.Fruit = 'Pear';
  145. o = Type Name (required), | = new record (Name field)  v=value field t=type field u=units field e=end of object (soft)  (name, value, [type]) type is Optional
  146. toText and toObject functions:  A = "`o Fruit `| Type `v Apple `| Name `v Red Delicious `e";  B = A.Name;  C = A.toObject();   D = {Name: 'Red Delicious'}.toText();
  147. text object nested to any depth. Datatype can be a function name (i.e. the object constructor called when converting to Object).  A = "`o Fruit";  B = A.toObject();  function Fruit () { this.Name = "Apple" }
  148. large text objects are indexed on first random access
  149. Text Binary Array Objects  A = "`o Integer Array `|`v 12;13;14;13 `"  (international use semi -- colon as separator -- free to use comma in real numbers and currency)
  150. Text Array Object A = "`o Array `|  `v Clif `v Rachel `v John `e";   Names are optional, only needed for sparse arrays
  151. mode driven state transition system parameters. Specifically needed for format and nationality mode constants.
  152. compiler syntax shortcut function,  system defined shortcuts: shortcut function "{...}"(value) { return 'new Object(' + value ')'} ;  user defined  shortcut function "╟ ... ╢"(value) { return 'table:{' + value + ' }' }
  153. file AKA, recursive resolve (case insensitive),   aka localHost = 'ws://';  aka  A = 'localhost:scratch/engineering';  B = A:Sample.txt;
  154. temporary global scope global;  global pos, index { ... }   pos and index are global names until the grouped statements are finished or existed, the names are also local to the function
  155. case insensitive variable names. All reserved words are case sensitive.
  156. CELL qualifiedValue,
  157. GRID qualifiedValue,  N-dimensional array of a single datatype.   A = new Grid(cell);
  158. TABLE qualifiedValue,  N-dimensional array of single cell declaration per column.   A = Table:{columns=columns};
  159. COLUMN qualifiedValue,  an array of cell declarations  A = column:{name=name,type=text}
  160. CATALOG castValue
  161. fractions,  A = 1 // 2;
  162. castValue without units,   A = 10 as Height;    units become "units". All operations of unit conversions, then all values musts be of type "units"
  163. Cell FLAGS,  %hidden, %system, %working, %locked, %copy,   A = Fruits[%system].search("someName");  B.Fruits[%copy].parent = window;
  164. qualified IF statement; exists, blank, zero, null, undefined, positive, negative, <class name>   if exists (A) alert(A);  if blank(A)
  165. inline template operator,  #1 =  B + 1;   A = #1;
  166. fraction syntax   A = 1 // 3 ;
  167. expression syntax  A :=  1 / 3 * Angle in Radians;    B =A(angle=45 degrees);

    2019 top

  168. floating point number representation maintained from source. Purpose: to keep accurate data representation when listing and moving source data.
  169. secure transport of information. A modified SSL / TSL connection using Jane. An unpublished rolling encryption scheme. (without public keys)
  170. an append-able source or destination. the "stdin" and "stdout" are two such variables. Web sockets and streams also would also be of this type.
  171. three types of compiled code,  emulated (in a browser), p-code (browser compiled, sent to a service to run), and as an executable (machine instructions, .exe)
  172. math equation programming... program directly in formatted equations. This requires new fonts, encoding, and editors
  173. get rid of operator precedence wherever possible as part of math equations. This is an artificial convention for the human to describe the order in which operations are performed
  174. rational numbers. A = 3 1/3; B = 2/3; C = A + B; D = C / 5;  whole number with remainder over divisor (3 part numbers) plus units
  175. prime numbers: A = prime numbers[1-5]  (2,3,5,7,11) ; prime factors:  B = prime factors of 578;  (2,17,17)
  176. logic over design. Determine all possible requirements for each given data structure. example csv:  columns - minimum/maximum/average size, size/format frequency count, default/user headers/formats/selected, indexes, ...
  177. language syntax from logic, B = the maximum column sizes of A;  C = the column size frequency of A;  D = The row index of A;
  178. Date format:  month day, year hh:mm:ss ampm timezone  A = Jan 3, 2019;  B = January 1, 2019, C = Sept 4 2019 10 AM Zulu;
  179. timer block:  timer{ call translate(); } progress (n, total, percent, duration) { progress.update(percent, duration); } finished (n, total, percent, duration) { progress.stop(); } failed { (n, total, percent, duration)  { }
  180. sub-range replace A = "Clif Collins";  A[5] = "ford L. ";    result "Clifford L. Collins"
  181. sub-range delete A = "C Collins"; A[1:2] = "";  result "Collins"
  182. sub-range insert A = "Clif Collins": A[5*] = "ford" result "Clifford Collins"
  183. sub-range multiple assignment A = "1 2 3 4 5";  A[2,4,6,8] = '-';   result "1-2-3-4-5";
  184. a combined singular and plural object constructor using entry points;  function persons () {  ...   entry person() {     }  }   employees = new persons( );  me = new employees.person('clif');
  185. compound units:  A = 24 barrels of crude oil {carbon:83.4407%, hydrogen:11.3452%, nitrogen:0.1342%, other:*};
  186. text value as double back quotes; A = ``Clif``;  with template qualifiers  B = ``Hello from {name}``;  and qualifier delimiters;  C = `any` Please use double back quotes `` `any`; No escape characters D =``c:\temp\sample.txt``;
  187. minimum foot print compiler for arithmetic and boolean expression evaluations, with extensive and custom variable name resolution capabilities
  188. compiler function use determination.  Can it be determined if a function is to return a value, or work on itself, or BOTH ==>  sort(A); (work on itself) or B = sort(A); (return a result)
  189. extended String Object built-in functions for CSV, JSON, Math and Boolean expression parsing
  190. extended Date Object built-in functions for adding Years, Months, Weeks , Days, Minutes, Seconds, and Milliseconds
  191. extended RegExp Object expressions for extended standard logic and formats dates, addresses, phone numbers, numbers, comments, quotes,...
  192. Compiler generated logic templates... for qualified values,  A = TrueTypeFonts{ arial.ttf }
  193. SQL Select statement in a "for" statement;  for (select table from main.tables where table.name = 'cmap' order by table.name) { ... }
  194. plurals in "for" statements  for (tables) {  alert(table.name) }
  195. replace boolean equality == with single equals sign "=", replace identity equality (triple  equals ===) with "is" ;  if (A = B) and if (A is B)
  196. (mutable) set text attributes by character / range: upper, lower, normal, bold, italic, underline, negate, strike, color, slant, font, size, language, highlight, justified  A[1-4] are red;   A is bold;   Clif Collins
  197. text tab ruler,  left and right margins, tab column setting and justification: left, right, center, period. A..ruler = ruler{ units=inches, margin-left=0.5, margin-right=7, tabs=(1,3,5:center)};  A..value = "Clif\tCollins\tHouston"; alert(A);
  198. text reference A = "Clif Collins";  B = A..value;  B += " is a dummy";  B is an Object so it can be passed as an argument to change A,  A is now "Clif Collins is a dummy"
  199. SQL statement to work on Arrays, Object, Tables, Matrix, and Qualified Values,   a = Select * from csv{ file{employees.csv}} order by name;
  200. Numeric Accuracy, define the standard uncertainty of a constant,  h = 6.6260693(±11)E-34 joule * second;  // Planck's constant
  201. Indirect Addressing; A = "Clif"; B = %reference(A);
  202. Value sub-range A[min-max,...]  B = A[new bits(0,5,2,7)]; A[insert(1)] = "Clif", B = A[row(1)]; C = A[range(1:1,3:4)]; D = A[column(1)]; E=%ref(A[rows(1-5,8),columns(2-3),D3(4,6)])
  203. storage declaration; A:Integer:1 = 2;  A:CountingNumber:2 = 1; A:WholeNumber:4 = 1; A:real:8 = 1;  A:date:{year:Integer:2,month:wholeNumber:1,day:wholeNumber:1} = Jan 1, 1989
  204. N-dimensional reference A[1,1,4]
  205. Sub-Range Reference A{1:5,7}
  206. Content Reference, row(n), column(n),  A{name='clif'}  B = A{rows{2:5},columns{1:4,7}}
  207. keyword bracket reference, first, last, middle, random, next , insert(n), compressed(0), compressed(1), trim  B = A[first];   A[insert(5)] = "Apple";
  208. Assignment and non-assignment function reference,  A.sort();  B = A.sort();  A.sort = function sort() { };  A.sort = subroutine sort(){ };
  209. Object assignment entry point.  A = new person$();  A = 'clif collins';   function person$() { ...  entry on.assignment(value) { ... } }
  210. Flow control: asynchronous function calls -- function-name.wait(...);  wait for sync or async function to finish
  211. Flow control: wait function;  wait(time); delay execution
  212. Flow control: refresh function; refresh();  same as wait(0);
  213. Flow control: parallel asynchronous function calls -- function-name.continue(...); multiple statements then,  waitForEvents(timeout)
  214. Flow control: flow between functions --  reenter entry-name(...) to caller  resume (...) to statement after reenter, resume entry-name(...) to a named enter point.  With out without arguments
  215. Flow control: try catch recovery -- try { ...} catch (e,...) {  resume('ok') }  ...  result =  throw('error');
  216. Internal property variables; .%value(address of value (read / write) ,  .%type (value type read / write) , .%units value units (read / write) , .%events (array of events),  .%allocated (memory allocation (read / write)
  217. internal property %inf (if not found) to replace the __proto__ object, the name resolution linked list
  218. internal property %length to reference / replace the Array Length, Move all of the internal information out of the name resolution of the primary cell.
  219. extend closure to include function entry points, not just sub-functions, A = test();  A.next();  function test() { count = 0; return test;  entry next();  alert(++count);  }
  220. function properties; test = 0; while (test(count)) {....}  function test () { count = 0;  property set (value) { count = value; }  property get() { if (count <= 0 return false; return true,++count;  }  }
  221. object constructor property get and set;  A = new test('apple');  A = 'clif'; alert(A);  function test(name) { this.name = name; return; property set(value) { this.name = value; }  property get() { return this.name; } }
  222. object constructor call property; A = new test(); B =  A('get count') ;function test() { this.count = 1; property  call(command) { if (command == 'get count') return this.count };
  223. object constructor assign property; A = new test();  A = 'Hello World'; function test() { property assign(value) {  this.name = value; }
  224. named arguments  A(name='clif', type=32)  function A(type, name) { ... }
  225. Using closure to create a "class";     A = test();  A.hello();   function test()  {  name = 'Clif'; return test;   function hello() { alert(name) } }
  226. Permit a "class" to be treaded as an "object"   A = text();  A.anotherValue = 10;
  227. do forever statement;  do forever { ... }
  228. qualified value's functions, use a flattened name space for the entire nested qualified values structure
  229. default assignment statement, conditional assignment only if existing value is null, undefined, blank, of zero,  default size = 10;
  230. rename "do" and "for" statement to "repeat" statement, the words "do" and "for"  do not explicitly imply "repeat"  (maybe not in all cases ???)
  231. dual Qualified Value replacement text, «...» for immediate value substitution (when assigned), and ‹...› delayed value replacement (during evaluation)
  232. declare statement of 1 or more variables, declare A,B,C as {size=8 bits, type=whole number, allocate{increment=4000 bytes, preallocate=0 bytes, Maximum Size=infinite}, units=feet, dimensions{rows{}, columns{}}}
  233. "declare" qualified value, integerArray = declare{type=integer, size=64 bits, dimensions{rows{}}};  declare A as integerArray;
  234. remap and union a variable,  B = A.%value as {type=16 bits};  A and B tied together with the same values in 2 different structures (synchronized by the system)
  235. copy and remap a variable B = A as {type=16 bits};  B is a Copy of A in a different structure
  236. never abbreviate anything
  237. qualified value content:   name{~~ ...text anything.... ~~}  or  name{content{~~...text anything...~~}, ...}
  238. qualified value assignment values and nested qualified values  name{value_1=...,  value_2=..., nested{...}, ...}
  239. flow control -- interrupts, standalone functions that get called immediately upon hardware and software interrupts.   interrupt mouse (event) { ... }  interrupt network(event);  interrupt timer(event);
  240. change conditional equality from "==" to "="  add conditional (aliases)  "equals" or "==", "and" for &&, "or" for || , "xor" for "~", "not" for "!";   if (a = b) ...;  c = a equals b;
  241. list conditionals; if (A in [2,4,32])...,  if (A not in [5,6,7])...
  242. alias conditionals  "is identical to" alias for "==="  if (A is identical to B) ,  "is not identical to" alias for "!==",  if (A is not identical to B) ...
  243. add conditional "is"  if (A is B) same object,  leave "=" for value equality and for assignment
  244. logical assignment statement, compile time and run time:    A = logical (a = b); (compile time)     A = logical ("a = b"); (run time)  -- arguments 2 & 3:  on search, and search object with __proto__
  245. arithmetic assignment statement, compile time and run time:  A = math(a * 55); (compile time)   A = math("a * 55"); (run time)  -- arguments 2 & 3:  on search, and search object with __proto__
  246. programming font -- soft (contained in the document) and hard (controlling the document) control characters, unique comment characters,    Line comment...  and    ...Block comment...
  247. alias statement,  F = alias require one [form, canvas, popup] of type "qvalue" this is an assignment statement, selection, and an exception if it fails (does not exists, only one, or not of the specified type)
  248. alias statement qualifiers, unique, first, last, random, one, required
  249. bind statement is to treat multiple cells as one entity with non-unique names
  250. union statement is to treat multiple arrays as one with unique names for objects and continuous index.
  251. remote values, values and functions accessible on demand, A = localhost.Employees;  B = wait for select * from A where name='clif';  server based logic, pause until complete or not (a separate thread or process)
  252. remote buffering, values can be declared as remote single or multiple buffered on the localhost or on a remote server:  declare A as {type=text, allocation{ on=localhost, buffered=4 KB, buffer count=3}};  A = space(5 TB);
  253. qualified values used, unused and orphan reference parameters;  A = sample{A=1, B=2, C=3};     alert(A.%not referenced, A.%not used, A%orphaned);
  254. qualified values variable names are case insensitive, style insensitive:  B = A{Pie Type = Apple}  alert(B.pie_type, B.Pie Type, B['p-i-e t-y-p-e'], B.PIETYPE); all spelling and syntax the same
  255. E of type E,  extract all values of a specified type from a cell;  A = [1,2,3,"A","B"] of type "string";   if (A[0] of type "number") ...
  256. E = E(name) join E(name);  C = (A.B_key join B.B_key).C_key join C.C_key  alert(C);  left join, right join, full join, inner join
  257. JavaScript Array, change sparse storage structure and length value,  A = [];  A[5] = "clif";   A.length is equal to 6; one plus highest numeric index, change to "A.availableIndex" (6) and "A.length" to number of elements (1)
  258. read,  A = file{"c:/temp/sample.data"};  B = A;      A = url{"./sample.data"};  B = A;
  259. write, A = file{"c:/temp/sample.data"};  A += "Hello World";
  260. subscripts in programming.   R1 = 123,  Ai = "Apple", Bij = 45;
  261. relative numbers and offsets,  A[i] = ++10;
  262. for in statement optional "key and value" in arrays and objects   A = {first_name:'clif',last_name:'Collins'};   for (name, value in A) { alert(name + ' = ' + value) };    for (index, value in [5,4,3,2,1]) { ...}
  263. for in statement optional "key, character and number"  for text values for (index,char,num in 'Clif') { ... }
  264. expression values.  pc = «activeFunction.baseAddress + activeFunction.pc»;   alert(pc + 1) ;    Hello From = «"Hello World from <value>»;    alert(Hello From 'Clif');
  265. orphan catch and/or finally blocks.  Assume the statements prior to is contained in a try block.   function A() { a = 1;  catch (e) { ...}  finally { ...}  }
  266. a "finally block" without a catch will always be executed and will propagate the catch to the next higher try block
  267. catch multiple arguments;   try { ... } catch (a,b,c) {  alert(a,b,c) }
  268. exit all statement will unwind the call stack and execute any and all finally statement blocksthe exit statement will performs no other statement, it is an immediate exit
  269. alert page layout,  alert.document = document{page layout{size=letter, layout=landscape, margin{left=1 inch, right=7 in}}, ruler{tabs{20;40;50}, units=pixels, font{size=10 points} }; 
  270. alert ruler,   alert.ruler = ruler{tabs{'40;5 right;16'}, units = characters; gutter=2};  alert('Name\tAge\tDOB','Clif\t12') ;
  271. alert buffer;  alert.buffer('Hello '); alert.buffer( 'World'); alert();
  272. named formatted object bits statement,   bits:(0:1,5:2)  skip 0:set 1,  skip 5: set 2,...
  273. bits cast value subscripts,  A = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];   B = A[bits:(0;2,0:2)];   alert(B);
  274. match cast value subscripts,   A = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];  B = A[match:(is Prime)];  (inverted logic)
  275. calling sub-functions,  A = B.C();   where C is a sub-function of B
  276. qualified sub-function names  function A() {...}  function A.B() { }  where function B is a sub-function of A, this keeps from having to nest braces, which are hard to locate if missing
  277. extended random values,  random.integer(min,max);  random.real(min,max,dec);   random.fruit();   random.name();   random.name.boy();  random.occupation();  random.phone()
  278. list of expression,  A = list of boy names; B = list of occupations;  C = list of all lists;  D = list of ['fruit'];  E = list of 10 girl names;  F = list of northern states;
  279. list of expression assignment, temporary and permanent, can be an Array, String, or Object  list of my products on localhost = ['A','B','C','D'];
  280. random list of  expression,  A = list of 10 random boy names;
  281. list of classifiers A = list of boy's lists;  B = list of my lists
  282. compound knowledgeable variable names, beside hierarchical, units, and conventions,  we need other relationships, taxonomic, 17 known classification systems, 142 sub classifications
  283. classification syntax nomenclature,  human = classification:(Animals, Chordates, Mammals, primates, hominids, homo, homo sapiens);  A = "Clif Collins" Human
  284. IUPAC nomenclature A = 3-methylhexane; programming in color, style, language, and any other characteristic we wish to introduce at the editor level
  285. % operator for a specific assignment representation of a value. A = 34.2;  alert(A.%english);  "thirty four point two"  alert(A.%french);  "trente quatre point deux",  alert(A.%F8.2)  "     34.20"
  286. %saveas operator, set the external storage representation of a value,  A.%saveas(real.bytes(4)) = [12,5,8,33,105];
  287. % operator, set the internal storage representation of a value;  A.%complex.real.bytes(8) = [1,2];
  288. % operator is different between value get and set:   A.%real.decimals(2) = 23;  (set value as a real)  alert(A.%integer);  (get value as an integer)
  289. declare formatted numbers, A = Math.PI;   B  = A.%f(15.2);  C =  A.%e ; D = A.%g;
  290. declare % directives  for text formatted:  Number, Currency, Date, Complex, Text, Character, Objects, Arrays, Matrix
  291. declare % directives for numeric format of any size:  integer, real, counting numbers, whole numbers, rational,  p-adic, complex numbers A.%complex.real.bytes(8),  A.%Integer.bits(32); A.%english;
  292. declare % base units,  A.%binary; (base 2)  A.%octovigesimal;  (base 38),  A.%base(16);
  293. maybe --- division A = B ÷ C;   rational numbers A = 1//2;
  294. move all the Math functions to the top level search path:  A = sin(32);
  295. move "this" children to the top level search path;   this.Apple = 'Red Delicious" ; alert(Apple);
  296. change default angle units from radians to degrees,  A = sin(180); or force explicit units A = sin(180°);   B = 180 degrees;  sin(B);   D = sin(PI);
  297. forward assignment operator =>  A => B;   save time in assignment edits.    A = B; ...  A => B;   single character change to move value back and forth (especially for a long list of assignments)
  298. function permanent values,   function test () {  alert(name) };   test.name = 'clif';   test();
  299. function statistics kept,  function-name.calledBy ,  function-name.calledByLine
  300. log complete program execution function calls with time stamps, produce on request a detailed execution analysis
  301. function hierarchy using qualified function names  function test() {...}  function test.A() {...}  same as brace nested coding  function test() {  ...  function A() {...}  }
  302. AKA: alias names for a function,  function test.A () aka(Do Something)  {...}  Do Something();  permit complex internal names to be aliased.
  303. permit functions to be called without the parentheses if a semicolon is give before AND after.  Do Something;   note: the start of the program assumes a leading semicolon.
  304. function has access to the name used to be called as,   function test() { alert(' function was called as ' + calledAs) }    A = test;  C = test;  test(); A(); C();  called as "test", "A" and "C" (same function 3 names)
  305. AKA using wildcard characters:  function test() aka(Show *);   { alert (calledAs) }    Show Company();   Show Invoice();  Show History();   calling the same function with an infinite number of names
  306. same name assignment  copy [content of] A to B where names match;  (case insensitive) copy identical named values from one cell to another.   
  307. clone assignment B = clone of A where type = 'text' B becomes an identical new cell of typeof(A) with the contents of A copied that match the where clause
  308. copy assignment copy [content of] A to B  two existing cells, copy content of cell B (maybe a Form) into an existing A (maybe an Object)
  309. function qualifier .bind without parameters for function reference, if this is done then all others could be a call to the function,   function test() { }    A = test;   (run function, see 551)   B = test.bind(); (assign function to B)
  310. derived information:  from a given set of information, derive knowledge. For example: given DOB (date of birth)  then "AGE" can be derived. Also if dead, or possibility of living, grade level, knowledge base, all kinds of probabilities...
  311. common and uncommon facts:  some way to identify facts, and to derived facts about facts:   "date of manufacture"  "date of inception"  "startup date"
  312. subfield selection assignment.   products = [ {name: 'Apple', price: $1.40 per pound}, {name: 'Pear', price: $0.34 each}];  B = products..(name);   B = ['Apple', 'Pear'];
  313. currency quantities and counts. A = $1.34 per pound;   B = $0.34 each;  C = $1 for 3;  D = $12 per square foot;  E = $45 per box of 100,  alert([A,B,C,D,E]..(name,value,count,quanity));
  314. conditional units and quantities, A = $1 each or $3.59 for 5;
  315. derived value and logic syntax. 
  316. extended phrase, word, and character conditionals based on style, content, language, class, and attributes A = "Clif".{style=(bold,blue,underline),class=Person Name,Nickname For=Clifford, AKA=Clifford L. Collins};
  317. get [ brace | parentheses | bracket | <> ] functionget function Apple.price(value) {  this.price = value };    Apple.price = $1.23 per pound;
  318. set [ brace | parentheses | bracket | <> ] function: set function Apple.price() { return this.price };   alert(Apple.price);
  319. verb function: verb function Apple(verb) {  if (verb.name == 'print') ... }   print details of Apple;
  320. search function: search function Apple(name) {   if (! this[name]) this[name] = "" }   B = Apple.unknown;
  321. does not exist function:  does not exist function Apple(name) {  return name[1-*].%integer; }  alert(Apple.N23);
  322. location value: all children inherit "location & security" by default:   location:{localhost,shared,device=C,secure{readonly}} A = 'Hello World';   B = A location:{localhost,user=someone}; C..location = location:{here};
  323. roles and privileges: (cell level security)  A..security += secure:{user='clif',role=supervisor, password=1234, privilege=(read, write, delete, update)}
  324. classification, taxonomy, relationships, see, see also, ownership, history, aliases, indexing, uses, used by, and evolution
  325. constructor name for all objects:  A = new Apple();   alert(A.%context)    "Apple"
  326. indexOf and lastIndexOf  to accept regular expressions as the search argument:  A = "Clif Collins".IndexOf(/c..f/i);
  327. list of caller's function entry points,  A = caller.%entryPoints; 
  328. regular expression's functions as String Object functions (match,test,split,replace,search)   list = "Clifford L. Collins".match(/[C]/g);
  329. regular expression's "exec" function moved to the String object function "locate".   list = "Clifford L. Collins".locate(/[C]/g);
  330. String functions: quote, unquote, escape, unescape, compress, compress1:    A = "Hello World('Here I am')".quote();   B = "Hello       World".compress1(); 
  331. cell functions: cg2, cg3, json, csv, tsv:  A = new Cg2({a:1,b:2,c:3});
  332. cg2 the read only editable text representation of an object:  alert(A[1].a);
  333. cg3 the read only binary transportable / storage representation of an object:  alert(B[1].a);
  334. Object derived value indicator, "?"    A = { dob: new Date(1920,5,1), age: ?};
  335. Move JavaScript properties,   value.%configurable, value.%enumerable, value.%writable,  value.%get, value.%set
  336. ensure all the browses' functions exist. Implement all missing functions in the running browser,  IE does not have "Object.entries" so add it to the prototype of "Object"
  337. alter the Enumerable logic syntax, make it easier to implement
  338. Change all font characters uppercase i and zero as ==>  "I" and "0"
  339. variable %events to set variable actions: get, set, search, not found, create, delete, modify,   A.price.%events = events{get=getPrice, set=setPrice };   alert(A.price.%events.get());  or  alert(A.price)
  340. function %events  call, return, exit, enter, fail   alert.%events += events:{call=debugAlert};
  341. prototype %events Function.prototype.%events = events:{enter=logAllCalls}
  342. truth tables with outputs of ==> Karnaugh Maps, Boolean Expressions, Circuit Diagrams
  343. cg2 compiler program execution, A text based compiled program
  344. multiple CPU and Process program execution from the same source code
  345. plural qualified value, employees = plural:{singular=employee, id=employee_id};  a = new employee('John Doe');  A new employee is automatically added to and deleted from "employees"
  346. inline function, run function without leaving active function, call stack not changed  inline function price(A,B) { return A + B };   A = 10; B = 20; C = price(A,B);
  347. operator function, functions that execute hardware instructions, a macro that looks like a function but is expanded into primitive hard typed value instructions (required for table driven opcodes)
  348. get rid of the 214 heteronyms, words spelt the same but pronounced differently,  Wind (air movement),  Wind (to crake) -- to determine context is a little over the top (for now), possibly add Diacritics
  349. Object's "nameValuePair" as "value" only parameter;   apple = "Red Delicious";  pear="Barlett"  fruit={apple,pear};   same as   fruit={apple:apple, pear:pear};
  350. Timeline of when a variable is: Created, Changed, and/or Deleted,  A = 1;  timeline mark "after A";  B = 1;  timeline mark "after B"; C = 1;  alert(timeline);
  351. robot compiler primitive, maintained offline as a standalone folder, load on demand:  house lights on;  ./robots/house.js = "robot house () languages:{ language{lights, {turn} on, {turn} off} }  { ... };"  
  352. robot qualifier phrases,   Rachel's house turn on lights;  robot house ()  phrase:{language{my},value=user.current}   house.phrases += phrase:{language{Rachel's}, value=user{Rachel}};
  353. robot context,  robots context add context:{lights, alias{house lights turn on}};
  354. random phrase lists phrase{random(lights,turn,on|off), random(on|off,lights) };
  355. Possessive parts of speech to language and syntax -- Possessive Adjectives (at, on, in, but,...)  Possessive Pronoun (my, your, his,...)  Possessive Nouns (kids', Jennifer's, companies', ...)
  356. compound robot language -- permit one sentence to reference multiple robots. (might not be practical)
  357. compile time assignments :=     A := lookupTable:{csv:{file{c:/temp/states.csv}}};
  358. alert escapes sequence -- \(cn)  tab to column n,   alert(\(c20)Apple \(c40)Pear);
  359. change the meaning of a boolean value of a numeric 0 to "true".Loop logic to determine increment direction and boundaries,   loop index (1 to -10 by 2) { ...}
  360. what and units  A = 10 ft as width;  B = 312 inches as height;  C = A * B;  C = 260 square feet (10 ft width (A) by 26 ft height (B))

    2018 top
  361. addition of objects; A = {name:'Clif'} B = {age: 12, dob: ''}  A += B;
  362. variable name attached to value  a = new Object(): alert(a);  listing contains a = <object> ...
  363. case insensitive text.  A = "Clif";  A~keyword = true;  if (A == "CLIF") alert(true);
  364. attributed text (trim, case= ('upper', 'lower', 'proper') ,compress, keyword, editable)  A~compress = true; A~upper=true ; A = " Clif      Collins   ";  // "CLIF COLLINS"
  365. horizontal partitioned arrays and matrix: A = new Array();  A~partition.horizontal = function () { return this.value[0,1].toUpperCase() };  A += "Clif"; A += "John"  alert(A.J);
  366. vertical partitioned arrays and matrix: A = new Array();  A~partition.vertical = {[ name:'index',columns:'name'], [name:data,columns:"*"]}   A += {name"clif", age:12, address:''}; alert(A.index);
  367. infinite number of vertical and/or horizontal partitions
  368. infinite depth on horizontal partitions (i.e. company.department.project.year,month.day.hour);
  369. externalized vertical and horizontal partitions  horizontal partition example: "index(http://index/2016/Jan.cg3)"
  370. security possible on every vertical and horizontal partition
  371. version, format, structure, depth, and granularity independent of partitions
  372. concatenation of "undefined" and "string", make "undefined"  blank
  373. permit the function variable "this" to be changed,  this = new Object();
  374. allow dynamic format change, any size (bits or bytes) integer, number, or real array A = "clif"  A.~.format = 13 bit integer;
  375. allow access to binary structure A.~.binary = true;
  376. absolute control over program flow
  377. asynchronous wait, either blocked a = b.wait(), or unblocked a = b.return();
  378. parallel asynchronous statement execution; a = get.continue(1);  b = get.continue(2);  continue wait;
  379. enter points with a function callable from called functions, two way communication between functions
  380. emulate threads, permit screen refresh from any function;   function a() {  for (i=0; i<100; ++i)   { progressBar(i);  refresh; } }
  381. Jane server, solicited and unsolicited web socket communication to multiple servers
  382. Local Jane server ( for reading / writing local resources  A = local["c:/temp/myImage.jpg"];  local["c:/temp/hello.txt"] = 'Hello World";
  383. Jane database tied directly to compiler,  A = Employees; where Employees is a table/object on a local and/or remote server(s)
  384. on-demand loading of server resources, A = Employees; alert(A[0]);  only the first employee is actually read from server
  385. server reading and writing tied directly to compiler,  A = Employee["Clif Collins"]; A.age = 12; server immediately updated
  386. transaction processing, begin Transaction;  Employees.add({name:"BOB"});   commit; (or rollback)
  387. addition assignment of string/integer/number/real to undefined value get initialized to blank or zero A += "Clif"  on first assignment A is initialized to blank, no need to initialize A
  388. of operator, to generate a percentage  a = 10 of 100;   a = 10 percent  ++a  increments percentage counter not the percentage value, loop a (index,value) { ... } loop through the percentage
  389. FPGA logic added to assembler with output and/or simulation, (software implemented in hardware)
  390. compiler forms, a hybrid form generation tied directly to the compiler.  win32 forms, html, and pdf styles (pages, printable, index-able, scale-able graphics, 3D) as a single language on all hardware
  391. compiler forms, emulated in all browsers, and compile-able in Windows and Linux
  392. compiler forms using a simplified html format, simple in language not in functionality
  393. compiler forms with graphics 2D & 3D language, math equation language, and macros
  394. device object A = new Device(); A.clif = "Hello" A.clif.file = c:/temp/myData.txt; a physical or ram storage device
  395. hardware device B = new Hardware();  B.Clif  = A; a physical hardware device
  396. remove the need for an install utility, every program is immediately known, defined and movable
  397. application modes, Production, Testing, Training, Replication, Backup,...
  398. Jane scripting tied to forms with direct process to process communications.
  399. scripting makes no distinction between form and console applications
  400. self tagging devices. Mouse, Keyboard, Monitors,... known to the system, with changeable names, locked to an internal network (unlock-able)
  401. infinite memory, A = new Memory(2 byte integer); A[8 GB] = 12; B = A[9 GB];  B is null
  402. CAN BUS infinite nodes, change for wider use: car to car , car to facility, communication, I want to see what is in front of the 18 wheeler, no versions ever required, get rid of traffic lights, absolute security
  403. screen management system as part of the form management system, with this higher resolution take advantage of it...
  404. park-able, resize-able, drag-able screen regions, split screen into regions to park applications, forms, and sub-forms
  405. web addressable screens, attach any number of screens to an application, A = myScreen_1, B = myScreen_2, C = http://raspberry_pi_1/screen_1;
  406. more on flow control: event transfers, the transfer of control to a sub-event,  if (new_section) this.subEventName();  the event can transfer control back with a "reenter" statement , or finish with a "return"
  407. compiler has access to all local and remote hardware characteristics,  alert(hardware.monitors.length);  width = hardware.screen.virtual.width;  alert(raspberry_pi_1.hardware.devices);
  408. device characteristics are dynamic, meaning they are always refreshed from the current operating system's settings
  409. inner-process communication, extreme packet size (unlimited) communication with action packet handling.  A = new Program(sender); B = new Program(reciever);  B.(sibling).sender = 'Hello World';
  410. parent / child inner process communication,  A = new Program(myTest);  function myTest() { this.(up).send = 'Hello World'; }  function send(value) { alert(value); }
  411. alter function flow to be linear
  412. interchangeable client / server (master / slave) roles. (client) A = myServer.print(myObject);  (server)  B = myClientObject.copy();
  413. allow orphan catch and finally blocks, it assumes a global try
  414. permit try and/or finally without a catch, An orphan try -- jumps to the end on exception,  An orphan finally, always executes before a return
  415. onLoad: onEnter: onFailure: onUnload: onReturn: onExit: onNotFound: event entry points
  416. event entry points in "main" are global for every function
  417. "break" statement to exit a try, catch, and finally blocks, add a label if within a loop
  418. finally block are always executed, except on an "exit" statement, use an onExit: entry point label in this case
  419. the names of a "function arguments" are available.  Apple = 'Red Delicious';  list(Apple);  function list(p1) { alert(argumentNames[0] + ' = ' + p1) }   output is "Apple = Red Delicious"
  420. extend alert to qualify arguments Apple = 'Red Delicious';  alert.withname(Apple);  output is "Apple = Red Delicious"
  421. search command, A = "Hello World";  B = search A for word starting with "W" and ending with "d" ;  alert(B.preceding);
  422. split command,  B = split A as CSV;  alert(B); 
  423. replace command  B = replace ((split A as JavaScript) where type = id and value = "myData") with "Apple";
  424. custom compilers A = new Compiler(statements);  A.compile('alert("Hello World")').run(); default compiler, can add your own statement syntax, select from supplied statements, output to JavaScript or as an Executable
  425. programming character set, get rid of regular expressions in strings (backslash),  Tab character (09) = □  New line character (13) = ■  escape code = ◊, I will remap keyboard to accept Unicode programming codes
  426. Language parser;  date = new Language(new date$());  c = date.parse('jan fifth two thousand and eighteen'); alert(c + '\n' + c.toValue()); date is a user defined language
  427. System defined Languages, date$, file$, url$, address$, email$, properName$, number$, csv$, html$, javascript$, cpp$, ... these will parse and validate syntax, allows for specific formatting by country name
  428. Object operators as functions,  .__operators. [+,-,/,*,!,**,&&,&,||,|,^,%,~,<,<=,>,>=,>>,<<,=,==,!=] every object can define operator functions.  A.__operators['+'] = addFunction;  A  = B + C; (Hello Python)
  429. Dynamic Operator function ".name." for two operators, ".name" for one operator  this.__operators.[".cross."] = crossProduct;  C = A .cross. B;  B = .invert A (separate with blanks, Hello almost FORTRAN)
  430. In place operators, operators that work on the contents of an object  this._operators["..sort"] = mySort;  ..sort A;
  431. operator arguments ..sort.order = 'ascending';   ..sort A;
  432. All methods are separated into a "methods" partition  a.run = runFunction;  a..methods.run = runFunction; (same)  (Hello Debugger)
  433. re-entrant functions, "yield value" not used, need something a little more obvious, for (value in A.reenter()) ... (see above, 155, 185) better flow control, any function can be used, can pass more values to entry point
  434. extend "for in" statement to include re-enter-able and non-re-enter-able functions reenter function A() { i = 0;  while (i < 5) return i;  };   for (i in A()) alert(i); for non-re-enter-able functions, while i <> null
  435. operators in the "for" statement, for (i in 50)  {...}   (index 0 to 49)
  436. dollar, cents, currency, and comma formatted numbers A = X.dollar();  B = X.dollarAndCents();  C = X.dollarOrCents();  D = X.currency('yen');  D = X.comma(); 
  437. "for in" statement values in range  for (i in 1 to 21 by 3) { ... }  returns 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,21  or  for (index,value in [1:21:3])
  438. "for in" statement characters in string for (C in "Apple");  returns ''A','p','p','l','e'
  439. "for in" statement, return object's values not name for (value in {name:"clif", age:12})  { ... }  returns "clif", 12
  440. object properties A..name extends every value to contain run-time / compile-time properties A..properties is the container of all properties
  441. system defined object properties: name, units, type, loaded, modified, locator (parent, index, location, sortTable, verticalPartition, horizontalPartition, hashTable) (some are built on reference)
  442. system defined object event properties onchange, oncreate, ondelete, onload
  443. universal name space, known common terms: drives, hardware, local, server, registry, pictures, videos, tables, databases, people, employees, friends, my, logs, ...
  444. location objects compile-time (late binding) A = file://c:\temp\mydata.txt;  A.content = "Hello World"; C = http://collinssoftware.com;  alert(C);  properties = size, dates, versions, backup, type, sortTable,...
  445. location types, file://, http://, https://, ftp://, mail://,...
  446. location run-time string parse syntax:  A = new Location("file://c:/temp/mydata.txt");   alert(A.content);
  447. location container types (late binding),  folder://, machine://, device:// network://, database://, project://, robot://   A = folder://c:\temp\; for (file in A)  { ... }   for (device in machine://local) for (folder in device.folders) { ... }
  448. remove language syntax characters from all location values, + - * , ; ( ) [ ] { }  use encoding for these characters, for example:  %28 "("    %29  ")"   A = file://c:\temp\file %28Copy 1%29.txt; (only for inline coding)
  449. compile-time includes of locations: A = quoted { include file://c:\temp\file_extensions.txt; };   recompile => hourly,  nightly, weekly, monthly, yearly, onchange...  for updated tables
  450. complex objects: points, lines, polygons, text, symbols, secondary annotation, labels, fonts, grids, faces, math equations, animation,,...
  451. overloaded  "get" and "set" operators   function x$() { this..operators.get = function () { return 'hello world' }; }   A = new x$();  alert(A);
  452. new overloaded operators (...) [...] {...}  function x$() { this..operators['(...)'] = function () { alert(arguments.length) }; A = new x$();  B = A(1,2,3,4);  permits the syntax A(n) A{n} and/or A[n]
  453. new overloaded dot operator "." function Apple() { this.name = 'Red Delicious'; this..operators['.'] = function (name) {  return this[name.toLowerCase()];}  fruit = new Apple();  alert(fruit.Name);
  454. new overloaded operators ? \ @  #  @=  #= ?= \= |= ;  String..operators['#'] = function (A,B) {  return A.toLowerCase() + B.toLowerCase() } ; alert('CLIF' # 'Collins');
  455. unary overloaded operators,  function x$() { this.value = -33; this..operators['unary+'] = function (operator) {  return Math.abs(this.value); };  }  A = new x$();  B = +A;
  456. extend unary operators for * / % # @ ! ? \   String..operators['unary%'] = function (operator) {  return trim(this.value); };  }  A = '       Clif Collins    ';  B = %A;
  457. extend pre and post unary operators (prefix with optional "pre" or "post" )  // ## @@ %% ^^ .. ~~  String..operators['pre##'] = function (operator) {  return this.value.toUpperCase()  };  }  A = 'Clif Collins';  alert(##A);
  458. is operator validates type and/or format of the content:  if (A is 'string') alert('A is a string'); if (A is 'date')  alert('A is a date: ' + A..date);
  459. "what is" operator, search all know types for found object name or content type of a string  A = 'Jan 5, 2012';  alert('A is a ' + what is A);   A is a date;
  460. is operands, object names, or in search path operands:  window..operands.is = quoted{include Jane..operands.is}.split(','); this..operands.is = 'cg2'.split(',');
  461. overloaded keyword "delete" Hello (c++)   A = new x$();  function x$() { this..operators.delete = function () { ... };  delete A;   ("new" does not need to be overloaded, it already is) this allows for remote delete operations
  462. permit assignment to a function result  A(1) = 45;  along with the bracket [] and brace {} syntax.
  463. parameters of the parentheses () is an array of values, for brackets [] is an array of name, number, and/or a range "n-m", for braces {} is an array of "name":value  B = A(1), B = A[1-20], B = A{name:'clif'',age:12};
  464. change syntax of JSON to be the same as JavaScript A = JSON.parse(" 'name:'clif',age:12");
  465. extend JSON to declare object type and vertical partition declarations A = JSON.parse(' Person{name:'clif',age,12,year:2018,sort.index:1} ' } horizontal partitions are created by the Object content;
  466. JSON to stringify by vertical and horizontal partition B = JSON.stringify(A.sort.2018);
  467. JSON full resolution "fullStringify" function, to augment Objects and Functions to JSON text,  A = new Person('clif');  function Person(name) { ... } ;  B = JSON.fullStringify(A); C = JSON.parse(B); A and C are clones
  468. Vertical partition attributes: constructor, destructor, isExportable (permits segregation of system values and run-time values from stored values)
  469. globally unique terms and identifiers, every world object is uniquely identifiable A = new Person$('Clif'); Employees.add(A);  B.person = A;  C = JSON.fullStringify(B); D = JSON.parse(C);  alert(D.person.name);
  470. extend "parse" logic into "search" statement, A = search B for '<proper name> <comma> (color)'
  471. CG2 and CG3 objects A = new Cg2(value);  B = new Cg3(value);  cg2 is human editable / readable object, cg3 is machine readable, storable and transportable object, both are query-able and self valued
  472. Plural objects.  persons = plural of Person;  x = new Person('clif');  y = persons['john'];  x and y point to the same object, there is always only one Plural of an Object type
  473. select statement of a plural results in a view of a plural.  Employees = plural of Employee;  houstonEmployees = Select * from Employees where division = 'Houston';   (late binding)
  474. plural hierarchy selection filters:  Employees.selections.common = company => division => department => supervisor => group;  mySelectionDiv.innerHTML = Employees.selections.common.HTML;
  475. clone operator, as an Object is assigned a clone is created.  A = new Object();  A..operators.clone = function (obj) { this.name = obj.name }; B = A;   A and B are two Objects;
  476. linked data, large dataset reference address A = 'Clif Collins'  B = A..reference;  alert(B[1:10]);  A and B both point to the same string value;
  477. load and unload on demand of logic. logic management system for the loading and release of objects and functions.
  478. qualified value content a = persons{csv{ascii{file{file.id{c:\temp\test.txt}}}}} ;  b = json{name:'clif'}   c = csv{1,2,3,4\n5,6,7,8}   unique terminators  something{~xxx~ anything ~xxx~}  compiler validate content / load on demand
  479. qualified value distinguish "content" from an "identifier to the content".  file.id{...} is a file identifier (filename), file{...} is content of a file (bytes), folder.id{...} is a file folder identifier, folder{...} is the content of a file folder
  480. qualified value variable  a = 'a,b,c,d'; b = csv{text.id{a}};   format acceptable as windows and unix file names and database content
  481. qualified value as an array  a = csv{ text{name,age,dob,address}, spanish{Ascii8{file{file.id{c:\temp\test.dat}}}} };  to have the ability to augment / combine multiple data sources
  482. assignment to qualifier text content  file{file.id{c:\temp\test.txt}} = "Hello World";    a = file{file.id{c:\temp\test.txt}};   a = "hello world";  (on demand read / write, "a" is just qualified value with get/set properties)
  483. qualified value hierarchical structure a = file.id{c:\temp\test.txt};  b = a.parent is folder.id{c:\temp\};  siblings, parent, children, firstChild, nextSibling c = a.parent.children;   folder{folder.id{c:\temp\}} (load on demand)
  484. "@" everything world object  a = @.collins_software.employees  b = @.my.network;  c = select 10 random * from @.listof.boynames;  @.my.projects += compilerProject;  The permanent database (local port 7710)
  485. superimpose common global names to the universe of names, @.global.boynames = @.listof.boynames;  put @.my.global and @.global in the search path  a = boynames;
  486. compiled global names, the compiler will resolve world names at compile-time and at run-time
  487. qualified value functions are handler objects for named qualified value values. They are in their own namespace and only accessible as qualified value operations.  qualified_text function person(){ ... }  a = person.id{Collins, Cif}
  488. Table object with cascading "qualified value" attributes from parent => Table => Column => Cell   A = new Table(); A.format = cg3{}; A.columns[0].id = integer{row.id{}}, A.columns[1].name = personname{text{}};
  489. the hierarchical structured "qualified value" objects have a flattened namespace that are cascaded upward.  a = persons{csv{ascii{file{file.id{c:\temp\test.txt}}}}}; b = a.parent; c = a.csv.parent; b = parent of a, c = parent of file.id
  490. define qualified value attributes as an array  a = csv{file{file.id{c:\temp\x.dat},file.lines{1-20,30-40}}}  This permits the description of content, logic and optimization. (file.lines is filtered at the server, where csv.rows is filtered at the client)
  491. qualified value as text b = "csv{file{file.id{c:\temp\x.dat},file.lines{1-20,30-40}}}}";  a = qualified_text{b}; permitting externalizing of content, logic and optimization as a universal description
  492. qualified value resultant value: text, Integer, number, real, or object.  a = integer{10};  b = array{csv{1,2,3¶4,5,6}};
  493. csv - first line as named qualified value column headers, a = persons{csv{lines{text{~~name{}, age{}, dob{}, address{}, department:text{}¶ 'Collins, Clif',12,,'7710 Janak Drive¦Houston, Texas 77055',Software Development ~~},lines.seperator{¶}}};
  494. add qubits and quantum logic gates to the syntax. This should include the probability, entanglement, and uncertainty properties along with the math required for complex numbers, and n-dimensional transforms.
  495. universal qualified values @.user{} defined as current logged in user, me = @.user{} declares an alias,  include @.aliases;
  496. value reference, a = 'clif collins' b = a.reference[0-4] c = [1,2,3,4]; d = c.reference[0,2];
  497. flow control - multiple threads on multiple machines 
  498. Jane server logicals,  logicals.jane = "c:/temp/";  logicals.scratch = "jane.scratch";  a = filename{scratch.test)  a.value = "Hello World";
  499. language added characters,  «field-name» (0xAB and 0xBB) keypad 4 and 6,   tab character  § (0xA7) keypad 0,  line feed ¬ (0xAC) keypad +, A = "name§= «person.name»¬age§= «person.age»¬address§= «person.address»";
  500. rewrite the keyboard driver
  501. change operator precedence (bitwise operators), and a review of all others,  a = 2 & 6 + 5; ( a should =  7)  (a now = 2)  bitwise AND and OR change to same precedence as PLUS and MINUS, the "C" language set these, not sure they were correct
  502. compiler aliases,  a.bytes, a.length, a.size, a.byteCount, a.count validate aliases during compile time,  define aliases once, and resolve at run-time, this is for external references.  a.bytes:length:size:count = 10;
  503. duplicate NTFS as CG3 formatted sectors. This permits the sector number to be a unique identifier and used as a database access index. Provide complete access to hardware disk content
  504. content delivery system (CDS) commands. this.functionsName = serverExecute('CDS_DAILY{command=files&path=www:file/functions/}'); cache results on server by command text
  505. content delivery system unique permanent identifier, id = CDS{serverExecute('command=files&path=www:file/functions/')}.identifier;  this.functionsName = CDS[id]
  506. binary parsing structure (as a domain specific function) a = structure{n:I2,name:A[n]; alert(name)};  b = a.parse(myByteArray);  functionactions "S" skip bytes, "A" Alpha, "I" integer, "N" Number, "B" bit, "R" real, "D" date, "SI" swapped Integer, "SN" swapped number, "IBMR" IBM real, "VAXR" VAX real
  507. union of sets C = A not B { return A.name == B.name };  where A and B are of any type.  A not B;  A and B;  A or B;  A in B;  A not in B; the inline match function is optional. "A" and "B" are the names of the function arguments, "in" is a boolean result
  508. Redesign all character fonts to make every character unique. specifically the upper case "i", lower case "L",  one "1", zero "0", oh "O". Fix the characters that cannot be distinguished from other characters.
  509. Remap keyboard scan codes to include extended programming characters,  all the teletype control characters can be used.
  510. array constructor, A = [expression for [name,]value in B] with conditionals A = [expression for [name,]value in B if value < 10];  B can be a "string", "object", "array", "table", "matrix", "qualified value"  or "select statement"
  511. object constructor, A = {name:expression for name,value in B};with conditionals A = {name:expression for name,value in B if value < 10};
  512. value constructor, A = (expression for [name,value] in B);  with conditionals (like above),  example: A = (average(receipt.total) for receipt in receipts);
  513. permutations and combinations of arrays A = permutations([1,2,3],3);  [123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321]  B = combinations([1,2,3],2) [12, 13, 23] ;
  514. value constructor aggregate functions: minimum, maximum, average, count, mean, mode, range, median;
  515. object constructor aggregate functions: stats; (all value aggregate functions)  A = {stats(value) for value in myList};
  516. array constructor aggregate functions: histogram, difference, collection or unique, permutations ; A = [histogram(name,value) for name,value in B];  A  = [difference(value) for value in B];
  517. due to IC technology: (the ability to scan an infinite number of values), array, object, value constructors require two limits, a loop limit and an insert limit, C = [ floor(a / 10) for top 100 a in B] limit 20;  (top, bottom, middle, random)
  518. array, object, value constructors using LOOP statement C = [a[i,j] loop top 100 B(i,j,a) if a < 10] limit 5;
  519. setting a large limit will force the use of IC technology to store the result onto temporary server file system. Actually an automatic IC threshold could be set as values are inserted. (maybe 4k bytes, then double buffered and stored on disk)
  520. named complex data structures in cg2,  *define:person, name; *define:person.cars[],make,model;  person,clif;  person.cars,chevy,truck; order dependent unless indexed
  521. geographic mapping projections (Mercator, Lambert, state plane, utm, ...:)  B = 29.7969925 latitude, -95.4917892 longitude, 10 feet;  xy = B state plane 4024;  point = 12342674 x, 7830930 y state plane 4204 nad83;
  522. complex numbers,  a = 10.7i
  523. local and network jane server, a shared / user based network server, and a private local server for each machine / user with full access on a private network. With only read only access to the public web
  524. a separate physical public network on the jane server for read / write access to the web (requires 2 NIC cards)
  525. Jane to only use and store Metric Units, other units will need to be explicit
  526. numeric division of units by a factor of N / 10 digits    1:5 = 1 + 5/10,   23:005:034 meters = 23 + 5/1000 + 34 / 1000000 meters  (use colon instead of period or comma to be nationality independent)
  527. file management, database and transport handled by jane  A = file{filename{c:/temp/test.dat},text{}}  B = A.lineCount;  C = A[1:B]; 
  528. change array index from zero to one, do we need a programming paradigm for indexing if we eliminate the need to type in "<=" , reserve zero as non-existent, we can use counting numbers and double our number size, and use zero as false
  529. date's month as characters only, jane will not produce or accept numeric months "ever" 10/3/1999 means nothing (no guessing) dates are not system clocks, we need infinite time...
  530. permit name, value specification in the  "FOR IN " statement  for (name,value in myList) {text += name + ' = ' + value}
  531. for statements treats text as an array of characters:  for (c in "Clif") { list.push(c); }
  532. Array to Array operators, C = A - B,  C =  A + B,   A < B,   A > B,   A == B,  A != B,  A union B (A + B), A not in B, A exclude B
  533. string or number (A) to Array (B) Operators,  C = A in B, C = A not in B,  B += A, B -= A,  B |= A 
  534. line / arc to line / arc snap , line / arc / polygon clip, point inside polygon;  A = polygon{0:0,10:20,20:0},  B = point{5:6}; if (B inside A) alert('inside');
  535. multiple return values:  a, b = test() function test() { return 10, 'clif' }  if one value a = test()  then a = [10,'clif']  if more  a,b,c = test()  then a = 10, b = 'clif', c = undefined
  536. jane known values,  local, server, www
  537. jane "local" and "server" values,  user, users, aliases, operators, robots, devices, operatingSystem, hardware
  538. substring to be inclusive not exclusive (index 1)  a = 'clif collins'.substring(1:4);  also as   a = 'clif collins'[1:4]; and as   a = 'clif collins'[1-2,3-4];
  539. subtraction of text,  a = 'clif collins' - 'Clif'  (case insensitive)
  540. text find operator  a = 'clif collins';   b = a find 'c' or 'i';    c = a split(b);   d = a replace(b,'_');   e = a - b;   c is ['l','f ','oll',ns']  d is '_l_f _oll_ns'   e is 'lfollns'
  541. compile time and run time, and jane directive,   global (outside a function) and local (inside a function)
  542. compile time directives, compile.caseSensitive = true;  compile.keywords = true;  compile.language = javascript;  compile.showErrorCount=1;
  543. run time trace directives,  trace.statements = true;  trace.functionEnter = true; trace.functionExit = true;  trace.valueChange = test.count;   trace.valueCreate = windows;
  544. run time event directives,  on.statements = onStatement;   on.functionEnter = onFunctionEnter;
  545. run time directives,   trycartch = off;  (debugging break on error)
  546. Jane server(s) compile time directives,  Jane.local.readonly = true; Jane.server.caseSensitive = false; Jane.name = Samual
  547. linked prototype values across servers,  A ==> B ==> C      aliases ==> jane.local.user.aliases ==> jane.server.user.aliases ==> jane.local.aliases ==> jane.server.aliases (load on demand)
  548. a linked object value type,  A..inf = object{Jane.local.user.aliases}  inf (If Not Found)  load on demand
  549. jane FONTS, a text based font description a = font{A,(0:0:M,100:30:D,0:60:D,10:15:M,45:15:M);}  to include: lines, arcs, splines, bulges, circles,  insertion point, base, ascent, descent, offset, ... all vector polygon filled / stroked.
  550. jane font application,  a simplified definition language,  centerline expansion, fillets, and line cap algorithms. (output web fonts and TTF)
  551. an enhanced error handler and recovery system. two types of error, internal (a programming error) and external (user induced) a server based exception handler...
  552. remove "REGEX" from the language...   an unnecessary complexity... replace with a more complete information parse language... a hierarchical description for all digital structures (text and binary)
  553. "for in" index and value, for (index,value in a) { ... } 
  554. "for in" loop of "String", "Array", "Object", "Number" and Date  (number index 0)   name = "Clif";  for (char in name) { ... };  for (i in 50) { ... } 
  555. compiler.language = 'javascript'   enforce JavaScript language conventions
  556. Jane Personal Local Server, LAN Jane Server, and WAN Jane Servers to perform secure local operations (as services)  Jane, Jane.LAN, Jane.WAN, Jane.WWW
  557. run Python, C++,C#,VB,DOS,PowerShell,... from the browser, allow debugging of these processes
  558. Jane modes, Development, Production, Testing, Quest, Read Only, Remote, ...
  559. Jane Roles and Privileges, to files, objects, and services
  560. SQL and Jane capabilities  temp = Select filename from Jane.C.temp.files() WHERE extension in ('.dat','.log')
  561. OFFSET and INDEX
  562. switch statements, search for value in Object, Array, and Table.  boys= ['bob','sam'];  switch ('bob') { case (in) boys: return name + " is a boy's name" }
  563. c"..." csv style quoted text, no escape characters in the text,  (double the quotes inside text)   A = c"4' by 8"" room"
  564. r"..." raw quoted text, multiple lines, no escape characters or same quotes in the text,   A = r"4 ft by 8 in room"
  565. e"..." escaped text, multiple lines, A = e"apple \n oranges";  (default)  (I will probably make "raw" as the default)
  566. formatted text a = "%s %d" using [name,  age] (positional) b = template{Name «name»,  Age «age:hex4» } (template -- multiple lines)
  567. switch statement operator (in) (like) (<) (>) (<=) (>=) (!=) (==) (===)    case (in) boyNames: return "this is a boy's name";
  568. name search standardization,  PascalCase,  camelCase,  Snake_Case, Kebab-Case, lowercase, UPPERCASE: Case Independent searches (as if lower case and remove underscores, dashes and blanks)
  569. Jane keyboard and editor, Jane character sets (hard and soft control characters in the font, single character "A" code (no more lower case character codes) switch to case control by character characteristics
  570. Separate "font" technology for the "character" technology (logically)
  571. Per Character characteristics: Upper, Lower, Bold, Underline, Negate, Italic, Color,  Background Color, Language, Slant, Alpha, Numeric, Symbol, Control, Punctuation
  572. distinguish between "language characters" and others as a  "Common", "Drawing" , "Christmas",...  non-language picture characters
  573. get rid of ALL case-sensitive text compares (as the default)
  574. Add a new CHARACTER case compare operator  =bold || upper | lower || not || italic || underline || color:red:50% || bkcolor:black:50% || language:Spanish || slant:-15deg || Alpha || Numeric,...= (opacity :50%)
  575. a new TEXT case compare operator  =pascal | snake | camel | kebab || bold || not || italic || underline || color:blue || bkcolor:white=  (with  "OR" || and "AND" &&)   (all characters in TEXT must match)
  576. distinguish between a binary number and a binary character at the hardware level

  577. Add a character characteristics element {{..}} to the language,  A = 'Clif'.{{bold,color:red,not}} 
  578. variable dot notation for character characteristics  A = {{bold}}  set A to the characteristic Bold, A. = {{bold}} set the characters of A to Bold,  A. += {{underline}} add underline to the characteristics of A
  579. character characteristics compare operator  if (A. == {{bold,!color:red,alpha}}) ...   (== match if these conditions are set, === match if only these conditions are set)
  580. I have named this new element a "cast", it can be used for all Object types not just text
  581. need to improved font functionality, of Upper, Not, Underline, Color, Background Color, Slant, Stroke cases
  582. variable dot notation A.  The cast is a text representation of binary structures within the parent. There is no validation on the names, values or syntax. The casting to text modifies the binary representation of each character
  583. casting get and set functions String.inf.castSet(object) {...}  String.inf.castGet(); {...}    A = "Clif".{{bold,underline,color:red}}  if (A == {{bold}}) { ... } ; alert(A.);
  584. cast operators, + (combine two casts)  - (subtract one cast from another)    A = {{bold}}; B = {{lower}}  C = A + B; (C = {{bold,lower}})  D = C - B  (D = {{bold}})
  585. cast assignments A = {{bold,not}}; B = {{color:red,underline}};  C = 'Clif' + A ; D = 'Collins' + B  (Clif Collins)  E = C. + D.  (E = {{bold,color:red,not,underline}})
  586. text cast characteristics are changeable (mutable)   A = "clif Collins";  A[1] = {{upper,color:red,bold}};  Clif Collins (index 1)  (EVERYTHING can be changed, the use of the word "mutable" is now moot)
  587. APL -- The ∇ Nabla and the ∆ Triangle symbols might be useful for thread management, or for synchronous and asynchronous management or for reentrant function calls (i.e. python yield statement)
  588. language verbs, define a set of verbs for the compiler ,  verbs, ('print', 'run', 'open', 'cross');  using an Object's entry points:  process print()  { ...  } ;  usage is then; print person;
  589. new keyword process, a sub function of a Object's constructor that defines system events (onEnter, onExit, onSearch...) , opcode overloaded operators ( - + / * < >..., ) 
  590. Object's process entry point events:  process on.search(name) { }  defines and Object's event process, Events call on these events: search, create, delete, modify, enter, exit
  591. Object's process operations (overloaded operators)  process this=A { };  to overload all existing operators (math, logical, boolean) plus add any new named operator  process this cross A { }
  592. Process operators syntax  process this- { ... } (post unary -)   process -this { ... } (pre unary -)  process this+A { ... } addition with argument "A"
  593. Process operators using unknown keywords and characters.  process this cross A { ... };   process this ● A {  };   A = B ● C;  D = A cross B;
  594. Making keywords and operators known, process.operators = ['cross','●'];  execute  prior to any use of these operators, or add them to the compiler.
  595. Process use of ( ), [ ], { }   process this.on.call (A) { ... }  process this.on.index (A) { ... } ;  process this.on.brace (A);      A(3) = B; C = A[3-4,6];  D =  A{apples, oranges};  (remember A is an Object or a Function)
  596. keep the "with" statement and extend it to manage both local and global names (i.e. window), be able to set modes globally with.insert(Development as Mode) or with.insert(Production as Mode)
  597. altered local with statement syntax , extend name searches within the "with" statement to include the .name syntax (name will be created is it does not exist)   a = {}  with (a) {  .apple = 5 }  alert(a.apple)
  598. global with statement,  G = {Company:'Collins Software'} ;  with.insert(G);  A();  function A() { alert(Company) } right now it's with.insert(window) as the default
  599. global with statement management  with.insert(G,0) ;  place G at the top of the search stack,   with.remove("G");   with.disable("G");   with.enable("G");   with.appendTo("G",H);  with.move("G" top);
  600. global with statements only last as long the function that set it remains active, unless the ".permanent" qualifier is added  with.enable.permanent("G");
  601. Add Common Phrases , number of records | bytes | characters | columns | rows in A,  maximum | minimum | average | sort order | selection | sort index of A  (standardize common names of values)
  602. if (number of records in A > 100)  { ... };  B = maximum of A;  for (i,value in selection of A) { ... }
  603. phase ... of list: Siblings, Next Sibling, All Siblings, First Child, Last Child, Parent, Cast, Columns, Rows, Number of <name>, Address, Copy, History, Location, Functions, Constructor, Name,  Names, Values,...
  604. verbs .. list: Print, Run, Open, Export, Import, Close, Edit, View, Cancel, Abort, Wait Here, Return Here, Don't Wait, Tell me about,  Show me how, What is
  605. is statement conditional:  if (E is an Integer) { ... }   B = is E an Integer;  C = is E a child of B;  Integer, Date, Number, Real, Text, Object, Matrix,  null, undefined, object-name, positive, negative, zero, an Index
  606. view, as statement assignment, B = view of A as a binary byte number array; T = A as a four column table;
  607. set statement,  loop function initializationset E as reentrant;  while (E()) { ... }  (first call begin at top of function, all others re-enter just after the last executed "return" statement, "until return is the last statement")
  608. set A as the exception handler for F; set B as the startup function for F; set C as the wrap up function for F; set 10 seconds as the time limit for F;  set reentrant limit 10 for F (forces a false return and a reset)
  609. what statement, perform an information request from an object. B = A what is your parent's name, C = A what is your purpose, D = A what is your server location, E = Company what is your tax number
  610. dynamic extendable compiler, attach a table of: overloaded operators, phrases, robots, verbs, and prototype functions to the compiler. (does not require a re-compile) (the system extensions are recompiled)
  611. Static extensions to the compiler to add new statements. Requires a re-compile of the compiler. (only at the system level)
  612. Phrases, Verbs, Robots and Overload Operators are compiler runtime directives that can be loaded at compile time or at runtime (means they can be dynamic). These can be compiled and optimized.
  613. Natural Language Statements... The, Is, Has, As, Set
  614. Natural Language Statement Prefix,  Tell Me, Show Me, Where, Who, Order, Group, Select
  615. reentrant function A (value)  { ... }  to save the context between calls. resets when return statement is the last line of the function, or a clear A; statement is executed before the first call
  616. values of a reentrant function are available after the call:   while (A(10)) { alert(A.count) };   reentrant function A(max) {  count = 0; while (count < max) { return true; }  return false };
  617. undefined or null valued operations,  text operator + is '' ,  number + is 0,  number * or / is 1, date is now();  A = undefined;  C = A + "Hello World";  (A = '')   D = 12.3 * A; ( A = 1)   E = 100 / A (A = 1)
  618. the balance scale, logical versus (productivity + benefits + cost + easy to remember), Always use the scale to make design decisions. (never a lemming mentality, but never change if it exists)
  619. contains, boolean search statement,  if (A contains "Apple" followed immediately by "Pear") { ... }
  620. function pass back arguments;  function A(a) {  b = 'apples'; c = a * 20; return b,c }   if ( A(5) (name,value) ) alert(name + ' = ' + value);
  621. distinguish between functions that modify the parent object and those that return a value;    A.sort();   B = A.sort(), move the modifier verb "sort" to the front,  sort A;  B = A.sort()
  622. define verb function keywords, verb function sort() { ... },   function sort() { ... }
  623. define "result" as a function's default return value, by default it is now undefined,  function A() { result = 1; return; }   function B(); { result=2;  return 1; }   both functions return 1
  624. "exit" statement, return to multiple entry points, or complete program;    function A() {  alert(B(1));  return; entry failed(reason) { .. } }   function B(n) { if (n != 1) exit failed("invalid argument"); return "clif" }
  625. multiple call stacks
  626. common misused terminology, "Percent" not quite ready for prime time. Fuzzy language use,  no word for the decimal percent representation. also Kilo-Byte  Mega-Byte (KB, KiB,  MB, MiB) not really
  627. fixed binary n-dimensional structure manipulation.  R and Python type language extensions without needing any documentation
  628. inline select, group by, order by and aggregate functions  A = {name:'clif',age:12,address:'7710 Janak'}; B = A where value = 'clif';
  629. getting rid of the Object and Array data types. All variable are the same; same arguments, same functions, same capabilities, same structure, same addressing.
  630. adjustable n-dimensional table coordinate system. By default table coordinate reference is top-left index 1.   A = matrix{csv{1,2,3,4\n 5,6,7,8\n 9,10,11,12}, origin{bottom right), index{0}  };   alert(A[0,0] ) = 12
  631. cell dimensional names. A[4,2,6] = 1; A..dimensions[1].name = 'row:rows';A..dimensions[2].name = 'column:columns'; A..dimensions[3].name = 'layer:layers';   alert(A.columnCount);
  632. to have a capability to handle exceptions and return with a solution
  633. recover statement. call stacked recovery entry points by name,  recover fileNotFound(args) ... similar to the throw statement except to a named entry point with or without a recovery solution
  634. solution statement returns a solution from a recover entry point, much like the switch statement.  recover fileNameFound('c:/temp/test.js') { solution ignoreFile(args) ...  solution blankFile(args) ... }
  635. capture statement, call stack recovery capture reentry points.  capture fileNotFound(filername) {  reenter ignoreFile(); }
  636. visualization of program structure for determination of nesting relationships during debugger, performance analysis and program layout. Might be useful for error reporting
  637. 8 byte integers (12, 16, 24, 32,.. byte integers). 4 byte value (signed) followed by 1 or more low order 4 byte integers (unsigned)  value = 132`0xFFFFFFFF  or x = 132; y = 4562; z=9005; value = x`y`z
  638. assembler registers A-M, a-m (skip L)  Uppercase = Signed integer, Lowercase = Unsigned integers, Suffixed with byte length 1-8, or H as in AH, BH, CH, DH, def length = 8  A = 132`0xFFFFF
  639. assembler bits register subrange A[61:63] bit 61 to 63 of register "A" a 64 bit register
  640. assembler keywords StackPointer, BasePointer, StackIndex, DataIndex, Flags, Carry, Zero, Parity, Overflow, Adjust, Direction, Identification, AllRegisters , CPUID, CR0, DB0,  X0 - X15 (xmm0 to xmm15)
  641. CPUID types: Processor, Vendor, Cache, SerialNumber, Thread, Features, Brand, L1, L2, Power, Address, AMD
  642. Externalize hardware registers CR, MS, DR, TR, DTR,...:  Registers.cpu[0], Registers.controls[0].protected,... Registers.debugs.breakpoints[0],... , Registers.feature.longModeEnabled,...
  643. extended math, 80bit floating point, 128 bit integers, infinite byte integers, BCD
  644. assembler register and JavaScript values in same expression, (values are automatically mapped to byte storage)  myValue = 167;  B4 = 4;  A4 = myValue * B4; alert(A2);
  645. machine independent numbering systems, 8 bit to 512 bit machine instructions same result, whole number, float, and fixed decimal numbers, variable length numbers (characters)
  646. #12,000.00 or $5,400.00 CR number format, also 24 currency symbols, dollars, yen, pound sterling,...  allows commas, variable sensitive place holder; thousands (comma)  A=45;   B=19;  C = #A,B.00;     C = 45,019.00
  647. distinction between INTEGERS and WHOLE NUMBERS  (A = -34 Integer, B = 56 whole number C = A + B (integer), independent of value, can it go negative?: Yes in this case, so integer
  648. number representation are now variable length, 0 to infinity digits, as well as strings, dates and floating points
  649. track constants A = 34 (constant whole number) , A = -34 (constant integer)
  650. dual access Objects, provide name and numeric access to Object properties  A = { name.3: "clif' }    alert(A[3] + ' = ' + A.name);  default = sort order dependent, (maybe get rid of "Array")
  651. numeric bits access  J = 127;  A = J[7:8] ;  J[9:12] = 3;  alert,hex(A); 0x7F   alert.hex(J);  0xE7F  (see also: constants and masks, items 53 & 54)
  652. logical assembler coding.  overcomes all hardware implementation limitations and logic  mov al, xmm0  forces a 64 bit register into an 8 bit register or any other not implemented hardware task, use a logical task
  653. optimization reporting, stupid human reporting of alternate / optimized solutions
  654. Object externalized name modification tagging.  A method to determine run-time name resolution as being static or dynamic (99.99% is static, the 0.01% forcing 100% run-time name resolution)
  655. infinite fixed bit size number array,  a = number~64bits:[ 1,2,3,4 ];  a[5] = 34; b = integer~1byte:[ -45, 56 ]; b[1] = 65;
  656. infinite size bit character array, a = text~32bit:[ 'Clif' ];  alert(a[0]);  C   alert.number(a[0])  68
  657. logical numbers not physical (i.e. 64bits), by default "Jane" numbers have infinite length, infinite precision but can also be defined as any fixed bit size  a = number~19bits;  b = number~7bytes
  658. "having the ability"  the concept of including actions that are both known and unknown to the compiler
  659. file and url units  a = "c:/temp/HelloWorld.tmp" file;  alert(a);  displays the content of the file.
  660. file read, write and append  a = "hello.txt" file;  a = "Hello World"; a += "\nfrom Jane"; alert(a);
  661. listing of files and folders in user server root folder, alert("" files); alert("" folders);
  662. compile time global constants, #name = "clif" strings, number #name = 10, and identifier #name = window.screen ,  if (#name) ...
  663. compiled programs are cache-able. Programs can now be run as p-code to protect your intellectual property rights. no longer need to send JavaScript to the client
  664. splintered objects, independent dependent values of an object.  A.name = "Clif",  A.SSN~HR = "111-44-6666"   physically separated / secured values of the same object
  665. kedge, is my term to anchor knowledge to a value. Information about or pertaining to a term. The qualitative and quantitative values relating to a term.  a~isSorted;  a~hasSecurity; a~external; a~loaded; a~modified;
  666. addition of arrays.  B = [0,1,2,3,4,5]  B += [6,7,8,9];

    2016 top
  667. confirm qualifiers,  confirm.yesno('continue ?')  yes-no, abort-retry, ok, yes-no-cancel, abort-retry, help, abort-retry-ignore
  668. search parent objects,  a = b.(up).companyName; search all parent paths for company name, also includes search criteria
    (by default search child objects, this includes parent objects into the search path)
  669. hybrid compiler, emulator for JavaScript logic when required, assembler CPU instructions used otherwise
  670. Access to ALL CPU instructions using JavaScript syntax R0 = 12;  R0 << 2;  if (! overflow)  a = R0;
  671. Math Expressions and Equations
  672. Chemical Expressions and Equations
  673. System Objects:  World, Global, Local,User,Array,Date,String,Number,Math,Devices,Network,File,Folder,Matrix,Font,Form,Graphic (vector, surface),Image,Person, Place,Thing,Idea,classified objects,  employee=person{}; contractor = employee{contractor:true}, Units,Chemical,Art,Music,Equations (math, chemical),Expressions (math, chemical)
  674. Aggregate functions (sum, average, minimum, maximum, count, frequency,...)  a = average(employees.(children).payrate)
  675. Hierarchical search  (term based: (mother, father, brother, sister, aunt,...) (company, division, department,...)  a = this.(brother.oldest)
  676. Network Objects (node based: Interstate-10 entrance ramps)  I10.wirt road.entrance.east bound.flow = 1605 average cars per hour;
  677. Connectivity Objects (junction based: transformer to transformer)  a = houston.(transformer=134529).amperage load per day;
  678. Segmented Objects (by value: i.e. year, month, age, company, ...)  a = Invoices.2017.July;
  679. In-line data types (a = b~integer) (a = b~real) (a = b~wholenumber) (a = b~text)  (used for assembler coding - run-time and compile-time resolved)
  680. asynchronous function calls (performs result assignment and re-continues to next statement when function finishes)
    1. Wait Until Done b = a.wait();   (blocked execution)
    2. Return When Done  b = a.return(); (unblocked execution)
  681. Music orchestras and scores programming
  682. Compile-able objects  a = {*  ... *}  (a cg2 formatted string that attaches to a known or unknown term)
  683. include JavaScript (browser's) <script> ... </script>
  684. optional "then" in an if statement  if (A) then ...  else ...
  685. inline include statements,  include "./apple.js";
  686. conditional compile  #if  #define  #end  #else  #then
  687. "alert" displays objects in a tree view
  688. function trace events  compiler~onfunctionenter = myOnFunctionEnter;  compiler~onfunctionexit = myOnFunctionExit
  689. trace logging log('enter function', functionName);
  690. Jane emulation with complete access to DOM model
  691. sub-functions in prototype of constructor
  692. sub-object for events and n-dimensional objects
  693. actionable objects   a = count:{ files:{*.js}, type='function' }
  694. "switch" statement with mini-function case evaluation,   case 1,2,3:  case in A:...  case >=0 && <=10 && ! (5,7) :...  case like "A*" && ! like ("Apple*") :
  695. "search" statement,  search (file:{"test.htm"}) { case "<" ...">": alert(result);  continue; }
  696. "exit" statement,  bypass call stack and clear all memory usage
  697. "process" statement,  exit executable code to update DOM model, then return
  698. "thread" create alternate process threads (simulated) run during "process" a statement ( really an event "onprocess")
  699. cascade assignments,  A~units = feet;   A.B = 10;  (A.B = 10 feet)    A~units=meters;  (A.B = 3.048 meters)
  700. singular / plurals  count = 5;  a = "{{count}} {{row^s^count}} were affected".eval;   5 rows were affected
  701. integrated system commands  delete files{jc://*.jpg}
  702. nested Logical  define jc = "user$current://projects/compiler/"
  703. logical operators A ==? B (ignore case with trim) A ==?? B (without trim) <?, <=?, >?, >=?, ==?, ===?    A ==# B (numeric compare) <# <=#, >#, >=#, ==#, ===#
  704. other compare operator in? like? in# like# also as functioncall A.sort#();
  705. switch statement numeric range case 1-100,202,203:
  706. replace ternary with a "condition" statement,  a = condition (A) a,b,c; (neg, 0, pos)  or a = condition (A) then a else b;  or b = condition (A) 1,5; (true / false) (optional then and else)
  707. compiler directives #A = 123;  #language='JavaScript';  instructions to the compiler and are also available at run-time
  708. #if and #end statements, conditional compilation (global) #A = 1; #if A;  alert(#A);  #end; not case sensitive and used by the compiler #language='JavaScript' and at runtime alert(#language);
  709. macro statement @a alert("%p1%"); a@;  a('clif');  may not be needed;  the assembler and other subsystems might require it for speed at the hardware level or for development speed
  710. language dependent statement for the management of "JavaScript" and "JC"  //~jane~ #language=JavaScript  treats source code as JavaScript until changed
  711. allow try finally without a catch, permit any order of catch finally

    2015 top
  712. emulated and compiled JavaScript
  713. A hybrid compiler, performs both emulation and compiled instructions simultaneously
  714. IPhone, Android, ARM, Windows, and console executables, (8,16,32 , and 64 bit machines)
  715. Windows forms (dialogs, components and subsystems)  a= new Form();  a.re = new Richedit();  a.open()
  716. browser statements
  717. assembler CPU instruction set statements R0 = a; R0 <<= 3;  if (overflow) alert('overflow');
  718. binary memory value access  a = c:/temp/test.obj; b = a~address;  alert(b.N2[0:7]);
  719. goto statement  goto 10
  720. no database, I/O, network, O/S, forms requires (all handled by Jane)
  721. block comment as a string a = /* hello */;
  722. block comment with a unique tag a =  /*~any~ .... ~any~*/;
  723. dynamic language extensions a = b cross c;
  724. natural language extensions height is fifteen feet
  725. units a = 10 feet * 14.3 inches;
  726. expressions a = a + 2;  a~expression has the array values of  [{op:"=", value:10 feet},  { op:"*", value:14.3 inches},  {op:"+", value:2 constant}]  (items 14 + 15)
  727. dynamic properties a = 10 feet; a~units = inches dynamic converts units, feet to inches 
  728. remove the need to declare local variables  a = 10;  alert(a) (local)
  729. force explicit .vs. implicit global declarations  window.a = 10;  alert(a);  (global)
  730. SQL   a = select name from employees where...   complete syntax (group by, order by, joins, aggregate functions, top, selects of selects ...) 
  731. variable length binary values ***
  732. mutable strings A ="clif";  A[0] = 'C';
  733. Matrix object m = new Matrix(2,4,4);
  734. Matrix math m *= 15
  735. String Templates evaluations   a = "Hello from {{name}}".eval;  b = "Hello {{name}}"; alert(b.eval);
  736. URL and file type alert(c:/temp/test.csv);  show file's content
  737. loop statement loop m(a,b,c,value) { ... }
  738. Bits object b = new Bits(1:6,12,20:50)
  739. sub-range object b = a[3:7] or b = a[9:-7]
  740. assembler functions (direct hardware access) 
  741. binary functions (to work on binary structures)
  742. remove closure, use bind
  743. flatten operator "..." search an object for a variable name or a value.  b = a...age; b = a..."chevy";
  744. A in ( list ) a in (12,13,15,19)
  745. A like ( wildcard-list ) a like ('a*','b*');
  746. A contains ( wildcard-list ) 
  747. all values are objects  a = "clif";  a.type='person';
  748. a "world" object (all machines)  alert(world.Collins Software.employees)
  749. blanks in variable names  my database = world.Mircrosoft Access.db1.mdb;
  750. a "local" object (local machine)
  751. a "user" object (user specific)
  752. undeclared variable event
  753. expanded alert output: values, objects, arrays, matrix, files, and URLs  alert(a,b,c);
  754. locals of functions as an array a = 12; return locals
  755. call stack access,  a = parentLocals
  756. function name locals.functionName;
  757. "this" propagates to sub-functions of parent
  758. library card (all known knowledge, is it sorted, what is the height/width, does it exist )
  759. delayed fetch of value until actually needed
  760. IC technology (Infinite Continuous) segmented data fetch
  761. tokens / compile / link functions
  762. qualified function names function car.print()  function prototype linkage
  763. integer, counting numbers, and real numbers  a = 12; b = 12.0   a is integer,  b is  real, propagates thru math operations
  764. create / change / delete events, (triggers)
  765. index constants, (enumerated variables) constants a = [apple,pear,banana]  apple = 0, pear=1, banana=2 (a is an array of names)
  766. bit mask constants  masks b = [apple:4,pear,banana]  apple = 0x0F, pear=0x10,banana=0x20 (b is an array of integers )
  767. Math expressions (trace, log and evaluation)
  768. Access to call stack, and calling routines
  769. JavaScript compiler / parser a = compile('b = 1; c = 4; alert(b*c)');  a.run();
  770. Time units kept, GMT,  UTC (GMT +/- seconds),  Time zones (GMT +/- hours)
  771. Time units to femtoseconds 10-15
  772. Time and Date duration infinite (as GMT or UTC (GMT +/- seconds))
  773. Calendar Date infinite, independent of time (no fuzzy dates)
  774. prompt specific dialogs (file, files, save-as, find-replace, color, font, folder)
  775. prompt similar to MessageBox



Other Suggestions for future enhancements

  1. extending the programming character set (keypad keyboard mapping):  ■□►◄√∫∞∓℄∈∃≅⌆⌁⌱⍾♪♫ ⌂ ♦ ☼ Ω ● ∆ ░ ▓ ↔ ‡ Ʌ Ø ÷ » « ¶ ¦ Ʉ Ѻ ₥ ₩ ‰ Φ

    « »
    ├  ┤
    keypad 0
    keypad enter
    keypad 5
    keypad 7
    keypad 4
    keypad 1
    keypad / and *
    keypad 8 and 9
    soft tab
    soft new line
    soft new paragraph
    soft new section
    soft new record
    soft new field
    template replace quantity
    more quantity brackets
    0x11 (17) <DC1 - device control 1>
    0x12 (18) <DC2 - device control 2>
    0x1D (29) <GS - group separator>|
    0x1F (31) <US - Unit separator>
    0x1E (30) <RS - Record separator>
    0x0B (11) <VT - vertical tab>
    0x0E (14) <SO  - shift out>  ...    0x0F (15) <SI  - shift in>
    0x02 (02) <STX - start of text> ... 0x03 (03) <ETX - end of Text>

    need a new font to use the existing control characters

  2. case insensitive
  3. no reserved keywords
  4. natural language Assembler,  if not carry  { ... }