Free JavaScript Class
Trini Mendenhall Community Center (map)
1414 Wirt Road, Houston, TX 77055

Week 1:  The role of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and Databases in a business application

Examples     Download (class slides and examples source code)

Week 2:  Baby Steps

Examples     Download (class slides, examples, and source code)

Week 3:  Objects, Functions and Prototypes

Examples     Download (source code)

Week 4:  TABLE Component Part I (Column object)

Examples (system bug fixed)    Download (examples, source code, and homework)

Week 5:  Table Component Part II (MySQL data structures)

Examples   Class Slides   Download (class slides, examples, source code, and homework)

Week 6:  Table Component Part III (MySQL Knowing your database)

Examples   Download (examples, source code, and homework)

Week 7:  Table Component Part IV (Asynchronous Programming, Read events,...)

Examples   Class Slides  Download (class slides, examples, source code, and homework)

Homework for the week is to install "node.js" and "mySql". Download and unzip week7
In the "week7/homework" folder you will find  5 files:

  1. default.htm, client -- test page to use the node.js server attached to mysql
  2. socket.js, client -- JavaScript object to send / receive packets from node.js server
  3. mysql.js, server -- a node.js JavaScript object to access mysql
  4. server.js, server -- a node.js JavaScript server to read command from clients, and return mysql data
  5. server.bat, a windows batch file to start the server.js server

in Mysql Workbench, you will need to make sure it has a "world" database, and add a user "clif" password "clif" or you can change the setting in the "mysql.js" file (at the bottom). You many need to grant user "clif" some privileges on the MAC.

You will need to install (at a command prompt) "mysql" and "websocket" node.js modules:

    c:/>npm install mysql
    c:/>npm install websocket

On Windows you can double-click on the file "server.bat" to start the node.js server

On a MAC you will need to start the server manually, at the command prompt, "cd .../week7/homework", then "node server.js"

On a MAC you may need to change the port 443 to 1200 (socket.js and server.js) (I changed this in the current download)

To start the application, double-click on the "default.htm" file

If anyone has trouble (inconceivable) let me know, and I can add some screen shots.


Week 8:  SQL 

I will cover the "CREATE", "ALTER", "SELECT", "UPDATE", "DROP" and "DELETE" statements. The GRANT and other permission and listing statements will not be covered

Week 10: A node.js html server with a basic web application

Class Slides   Screen Shots    Download

Week 11: Table Component part V,  fixed column and rows, cell edit,  sizeable columns,...

Examples   Download

Week 12: css3 -  transforms and animation



Other Examples:

Basic Algorithms

Objects, Functions and Arrays

Unicode Characters used in JavaScript Variables

A popup component

A Treeview


Compiler Classes (opens in new window)

Week_1: JavaScript to EXE, First Assembler Program  (does not work online)

Week_2 JavaScript Unicode characters allowed in a JavaScript variable name

Week_3 Homework

Week_4 Objects, Closure, Functions, and Namespace

Week_5 Prototypes, Bits, Properties, Sub-functions,...

Week_6 Binary Trees Logic

Week_7 Working with Objects