Classify integer 0 to 65767 unicode characters in the browser you are running. Each Browser will generate a difference set of characters

NOTES: "first" is the set of characters can occur anywhere in a JavaScript variable "second" is the set of other characters that can only occur after the first character "count" tells how many bits are set in the bit defintion These Bitmap Definitions are defined as: first value N and every other odd value N: Skip N bits second value N and every other even value N: Set N bits example 1: "bitmap":[48,10] skip 48 bits set 10 bits ("0" - "9") example 2: "bitmap":[36,1, 28,26, 4,1, 1,26,... skip 36 bits, set 1 bit ("$") skip 28 bits, set 26 bits ("A" - "Z") skip 4 bits, set 1 bit ("_") skip 1 bit, set 26 bits ("a" - "z") and so on...