December 2021

The words and terms that allows humans to recall reality. Words reflect the social, emotional, and physical concepts of our existence ("apple" "sad" "friend" "home").

All knowledge is based on our ability to use a vocabulary to communicate. It is communication that allows individual knowledge to be shared. Vocabulary does much more for us, for it allows our conscious mind to put reality into context.

The point is that a common vocabulary is necessary if we are ever to have communication with a computer. When dealing with computers it is critical that the human has 100% confidence that the actions taken by the computer are what we expect.

"AS IN" and "AS A" :
Homonyms are words spelt the same but pronounced differently. A = Wind as in moving air, and B = Wind as to turn a handle.  On Google and all other sites, I could not use the word "B".  The results would always use "A" and return results about the weather.

This illustrates that we must qualify the use of words when building a natural language for "Jane".  Since "A" is a noun, and "B" is a verb it would be proper to write "A = Wind as a Noun" and "B = Wind as a Verb". 

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." -- Socrates

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

"The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat."
-- Confucius

"Information is not knowledge." -- Albert Einstein

"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." -- Confucius

"The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was a genius." -- Sid Caesar

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein

Jane's Knowledge Chain:
"Elephant Toenail Fungus".  The word or words that follow can determine a valid question. "Color?", "Doctors?", "Closest Doctor?, "Medicine?", "Cures?", "Vets?". At each link of the chain context is propagated forward in the "Jane" system.

The knowledge Chain in "Jane" is dynamic, meaning that a you can start at any point in  the knowledge chain.

  • African Elephant Toenail Fungus Color?
  • Elephant Toenail Fungus Color?
  • Toenail Fungus Color?
  • Fungus Color?
  • Color?

At any point, the knowledge known by a "LINK" is the context from previous links, and has the ability to dynamically attach the next link in the chain. Also known by the link are the words that cannot be handled or that are irrational. "Elephant Toenail Fungus CAT?".   Jane has general common knowledge that "CAT" is unknown in this context, however localized context can be applied by using a personal of application specific vocabulary, to mean something like "The CAT procedure John designed to heal the problem".

Each link in the knowledge chain is 100% self contained, and therefore can be added to the chain in any order. "Color of the Fungus on an Elephant's Toenail?". The knowledge chain within "Jane" is self aware and has its own localized global context. This means that context can be searched up and down the chain even before a link is loaded into the system. Also, more important, is the fact that new knowledge can be added or changed on any link at any time. This  means that "Jane" can have unlimited knowledge which is accumulated over time, and this knowledge can be altered at any time without affecting the overall heath of the system.

Changes to a link's information structures or application logic are always possible. This is a fundamental law of "Jane" which is absolute. There are never version problems, and more importantly dissimilar data structures and logic can always be shared. A link's data structure is never defined by the link, and there is never any assumption on the part of a link on its use. The secret here is that all links have no predefine data structures at all.

An individual chain link is only ever concerned with its own area of expertise. It is isolated from the rest of the system. The interface into a link is by using natural language. A link maintains both information and the logic necessary to handle requests that are realistic for its real world use.

Knowledge Chain Discontinuity:
There is always continuity unless the knowledge requested does not exist. The funny thing about knowledge is that we seldom ask questions that we know that cannot be resolved.

Computer programs are always designed to perform a given task that we know the answer to.

  1. A Flight Control System: Can the aircraft travel safely between two points?
  2. Self Driving Cars: Can it stay on the road without hitting something?
  3. Email: Can it get a message to the proper person securely?
  4. Editor: Can it create a document and print, send, and save it?

I call "linked knowledge" a chain. Reality is the binding force that forges the links together.  It is our common human knowledge that is added at each link in a chain which permits new links to be added. "Jane" will use human words and terms to implement chained knowledge:

Database:  Apple, Price is 89 Cents each.
Question:  Family Name of Apple?
Answer:  Rosaceae

"Jane" knows Apple is a "Fruit", therefore it loads the "Fruit" link and queries it for the answer.  If the "Fruit" link does not have the answer it could query the "Vegetation" link for the information. This continues until all known avenues are exhausted. This is over simplified for "Jane" can have an infinite amount of knowledge which will eliminate most if not all of the work involved in software development.

Each link in the Knowledge chain will be unbreakable. If this is true then the complete chain will also be unbreakable.

Knowledge starts with learning a few words, "No" and "Mom" are the ones we all know. Then "Dad", "Now" and "Bath".  Our first sentence is "Not Me".  Upon graduating from College we know about 35,000 words. I hope that "Jane" will be at the college level in just a few years.

I will never ever use the "A" word (Artificial Intelligence).  There is nothing artificial about this, and it is not Intelligence.   "Jane" is designed to program itself upon request to give expected results.