September 2022

Software Compilers Opusculators:
Opuscule is a small literary work (oxford dictionary). I will classify the act of deriving an action from a small literary work as the job of an opusculator. This practice is very obvious in the actions of compilers, assemblers, CNC machines, and browsers.  However every application is in some small way takes instructions from the human, and therefore will be considered as an opusculator. Even those applications that have hard coded instructions, for they are still being instructed, even though the action is fixed inside the source code itself.

I make this declaration just so I can physically separate the TELLING from the DOING. In our current applications the telling is hard coded, which means that the doing is fixed.

We need to separate the doing like "walking" from the telling "to the store". So now we have an infinite number of applications all using the same basic logic. More importantly is that the emphasis is now using an understandable language. The more understandable the language, the easier and more flexible the software becomes.

Looking at our 700 odd "traditional compilers", they handle; loops, conditionals, expressions, and statement grouping. A better assembler language in some ways, and in others much worse.



"If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else." -- Yogi Berra

"If you promise the moon, be able to deliver it." -- Byrd Baggett

"If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters." -- Alan K. Simpson

"The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well." -- John D. Rockefeller Jr.

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices." -- William James

"May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children." -- Rainer Maria Rilke

"I do not ask what everybody knows, rather what everybody don't know" -- clif

"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else." -- Margaret Mead

Automated Integrity (AI):
Our overuse of the term "AI" has no meaning. So I changed it to what my system "Jane" is. Jane is a system to manage software source code and to construct applications base upon a natural language qualified requests.

All current software applications only work on one single data structure.  Compilers (E.g. C++) only work on Numbers. Database (E.g. Oracle) only work on "Tables".  Mapping Systems (E.g. AutoCAD) only work on graphics. We currently have to use multiple applications to work with any combination of these data structures. None of these applications are complete.

The Jane system manages source code on a term by term basis. Where each term is a person, place or thing, and the source code associated to each term does everything relating to that term. So if Jane knows the terms Number, Table, and Graphics, then Jane can generate all the  applications relating to compilers, databases and mapping systems, using a qualifier language.

All logic contained by Jane is; application and data structure independent. For example SQL is a qualifier language to build a table by selecting the columns, rows, and table relationships to build a resultant table. Within Jane the SQL statement is both explicit ("a = select * from apples") and implied ("a = apples").  Knowledge is having things in context and being confident that the context is correct. Just as an author writing a book, his job is to convey context to the reader in the fewest possible words. The authors of clifcode, the language of Jane, will do the same.


Three Tiered Software:
All software of Jane is physically divided into three parts:
  1. A language to tell the computer to act
  2. Information that the computer is to act upon
  3. Logic telling the computer how to do it

Language:  One natural language that understands the language of the user. Every person has his/her own language that they understand. A mathematician understands his/her brand of mathematics. Americans understand English.  A musician understands sheet music. A third grader has his/her own vocabulary. A programmer understands CC++ or Python.

Information: Is application independent. This means that all knowledge about information is always part of the information. For example a DLL file will contain a Cg2 descriptions of all the record structures and tables required to decode the contents of a library of object codes. No meta data is included, only knowledge that is actually used in the processing of the information.  All information must keep its own awareness, to eliminate any possibility of versioning.

Logic: Is broken up into terms and handles all realistic logic associated for the term. All logic is classified by term, use, parts of speech, as plural, and as singular. Each piece of logic has no dependencies, and performs self test for all known conditions.

Software must be divided into reliable units that can be understood by humans. All Information must be owned by the creator. This means no more proprietary formats. Also all hardware must be accessible by its owner.  This means that the owner has complete access to the software that accesses all the capabilities of the hardware.

by: Clif Collins