January 2023

Historical Technologies:
Jane's data structure naming conventions will include any and all known naming conventions.

Naming Conventions:
  1. Cell's Property  (dot)
  2. Cell's Children Cells (forward slash)
  3. Cell's Parent Cells (back slash)
  4. Logicals
    Recursive Text replacement of root variable name
    Logical temp = disk/A/temp
    B = temp/picture 1

  5. Cell / Property Versions
    Extended to keep multiple versions of a cell

  6. Wildcard Naming Conventions
    *      multiple any chararters, 
    %    a single any character
    #     multiple numeric characters
    @   a single alphabet character
    booleans, (not, or, and)
    list = A.picture_@%%%
    list = A.(not #)
    list = A.#
  7. A list of Names
    list = B.(apples,pears,bananas);
  8. A text based name
    A = B."Something different".size
  9. Recursive children search
    list = A../temp
  10. Recursive parent search
    list = A..\temp
  11. Cell Content search
    list = A.?Apples*?
  12. Cell Select statement search
    list =  A.~~select * where ...~~

Just twelve vague examples. The actual is much more extensive and in context.






"Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man." -- Henry Adams

"Order and simplification are the first steps towards mastery of a subject" -- Thomas Mann

 "Each move is dictated by the previous one--that is the meaning of order"  -- Tom Stoppard

"People try to make names for things they don't understand" -- Rene Denfeld

"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." -- Albert Einstein

"Inconceivable! You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." -- William Goldman

"A child of five could understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." -- Groucho Marx


Jane's Addressing Scheme:
Jane, my software development system will have an extended information naming convention.  Jane will have only one naming convention. All data structures will be encapsulated in one huge name space. All file, folder, and memory structures will be the same under Jane's naming conventions.

Parts of a Cell:
A cell is a unit of knowledge (i.e. a data structure), which can be physically and logically attached to other cells.
  1. Primary Value (Text, Number, Date, ...)
  2. Named (non-numeric) list of values
  3. Numbered list of values
  4. Cell's details
        vertical partitions
        horizontal partitions
        cast structures
        container of
        can contain
        temporary values
        hidden values
        cast possibilities
        permanent storage location
  5. Cell's child folders
  6. Cell's partition container
    the cell's partition cell that contains a list of cells, one for each partition
  7. Cell's value properties
  8. Cell's Logic Scripts / Machine code
  9. Cell's creation history details and logic

Jane manages all hardware requests independent of the operating system, device drivers, or custom coding.


Cell Search Sequence:
The ability to access a value is key to everything. The location of all values must be accessable from any point within an application from a single search structure. Jane treats all values the same across the universe.

A value (i.e. CELL) once found, places itself into context, then all parts of itself, and its relationship to other cells will be known and searchable. Current compiler technology hides itself, and most data structures relating to the actions that produce results. However with access to all of the compiler's data structures, an application will have the ability to extend the compiler's basic capabilities.

Automated searches by Jane will be restricted to a minimum.  Just because it can be done has made the programming process too complex with too many assumptions and with far too many restrictions. Instead Jane will move toward a context search.  Context is initially set with an explicit term. Context must be understood by everyone, in the same context that Jane understands.  All terms of the base people, places, and things will be resolvable by Jane and then can be queried by the user to its exact meaning. 

Monitor => Localhost.Monitors.User's Main
Screen => Application.Active.Form.Display

Once a base context cell is resolved by Jane, search is then turned over to the cell for all related searches.

Monitor.Size =>
LocalHost.Monitors.User's Main.Area

Each cell has the option of using the conventional Jane search logic. However Jane is a "load on demand" system, and conventional compiler search logic may be a thing of the past.

Trust is difficult to achieve in software due to the very nature of software development. We need to move away from proprietary systems toward explicit understanding of our expectations.

Jane changes software design from logic using data structures to data structures with context sensitive logic attached on demand.  This change allows Jane to concentrate on the management on the data structures independent of purpose.

by: Clif Collins